Themed Religious Education resources
The CEV (Contemporary English Version) translation has a lower reading age and uses simpler language than the NRSV (New Revised Standard Version), so we recommend it if you’re using these resources with KS2 or lower KS3, less confident readers or students for whom English is a second language. The NRSV is more suitable for confident readers and more able students.
For most of the themes the same content is available as a PowerPoint and as a printable pdf.
Resource downloads
Where does the word ‘Bible’ come from? What do ‘Old Testament’ and ‘New Testament’ mean? How do chapters and verses work? Why does the Bible need to be translated?
How is the Bible like a library? How many books are in different Bibles? What different types of writing are in the Bible?
What are the key moments in the course of our lives? What different things can happen when someone is baptised? What happens when a Christian is confirmed?
How are Jesus’ teachings important to Christians today? What do Jesus’ parables say about how Christians should try to live? How do Jesus’ teachings show Christians what is most important?
What events in the Bible’s story do the Christian festivals remember?
What is a miracle? What do Christians today believe about miracles, and how do they relate to the stories of miracles they find in the Bible?
CEV downloads
NRSV downloads
What is a parable? How have Christians interpreted the parables in the Gospels in different ways?
CEV downloads
NRSV downloads
How we use the planet? How do Christians interpret what the Bible says about the environment, dominion and stewardship? How can they put that into action?
CEV downloads
Download CEV Notes for teachers
NRSV downloads
Download NRSV Notes for teachers
Answers and Examples
Students, you can use the ‘Answers and Examples’ sheet to get hints if you are stuck, to check your work when it is completed and to improve it if you can.
How do Christians think and act about money, and the lack of it? How do they use the Bible to help them to respond to wealth and poverty?
CEV downloads
NRSV downloads
Answers and Examples
Students, you can use the ‘Answers and Examples’ sheet to get hints if you are stuck, to check your work when it is completed and to improve it if you can.
What do the Bible and Christian tradition teach Christians about how to respond to conflicts? Can war ever be right?
CEV downloads
NRSV downloads
Answers and Examples
Students, you can use the ‘Answers and Examples’ sheet to get hints if you are stuck, to check your work when it is completed and to improve it if you can.
How do Christians use the Bible to guide them in their decision-making? What do the Old and New Testaments say about right and wrong?
CEV downloads
Download CEV Ten Commandments sheet
NRSV downloads
Why is there suffering, and does it have a purpose? What is the relationship between suffering and evil? How do Christians use the Bible to help them to understand it?
CEV downloads
Download CEV Bible passage handouts
NRSV downloads
Download NRSV Bible passage handouts
Answers and Examples
Students, you can use the ‘Answers and Examples’ sheet to get hints if you are stuck, to check your work when it is completed and to improve it if you can.
How do Christians choose who or what to listen to about their faith? How do Jesus and the Bible communicate God’s authority? What are the different ways in which Christians understanding the Bible?
CEV downloads
Download Different ways of understanding the Bible
Download Three ways in which Christians believe CEV
NRSV downloads
What is similar and what is different between what the Old and New Testaments say about persecution? How does that help Christians to respond? Are Christians persecuted today?
Download Persecution Introduction
CEV downloads
Download CEV Persecution Old Testament
Download CEV Persecution New Testament
NRSV downloads
What can Christians and other religions agree and disagree about? How should they respond to members of other faiths? Do they believe that only Christianity is ‘true’?
Download Interfaith dialogue examples