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Articles about the Bible

Nicholas King Lectio Divina 3

This Lectio Divina challenges you to become more aware of the brightness of God’s glory. Read Ezekiel 1.22–28 in a new translation and find four ways into this mind-blowing passage of Scripture.

Why does Paul write about unity?

Unity was a key theme of Paul’s teaching and he wrote about it in many of his letters to churches. Just like believers today, the Christians of the early Church had fallings out and arguments that caused division, so Paul...

Nicholas King Lectio Divina 2

Explore Psalm 121 with this lectio divina using the Bible translated by Nicholas King. Use this devotional reading, meditation, prayer and contemplation journey for an immersive experience of Scripture.

What does Philippians tell us about the life of the Apostle Paul?

Paul is the Christian apostle who spread the gospel of Jesus after his radical conversion. He planted church communities across Asia Minor and Europe, raised people from the dead, and was jailed for Jesus. But this is the...

Nicholas King Lectio Divina 1

Explore Joseph’s reunion with his brothers in Nicholas King’s new translation. Follow this devotional reading, meditation, prayer and contemplation journey for an immersive experience of Scripture.

Paul's guide to Christian living

Following Christ’s example and glorifying God in our lives is a challenge and requires costly effort. Paul’s teachings on this aren’t easy or comfortable to hear but they are purposeful, practical and life-giving. Looking...

Learning humility from Jesus in the Christ hymn

What does it mean to be humble? Jesus showed the ultimate example of humility when he died on the cross but his whole earthly ministry was a showcase for humility. In the Christ hymn we see that humility requires a selfless...

Three lessons on sharing the gospel from Paul

Christians have a lot to learn from Paul when it comes to spreading the gospel. Paul didn't let his limitations stop him from sharing the good news about Jesus because he knew his circumstances couldn't limit the gospel’s...

Are the gifts of the Holy Spirit for Christians today?

When the Holy Spirit made his home inside Jesus’ followers at Pentecost, on top of receiving the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, they received spiritual gifts. From that day on, they could speak in tongues, prophesy...

Did Jesus forbid divorce and remarriage?

Just over nine per cent of adults in England and Wales have been divorced; that’s according to the 2021 Census. So what does the Bible have to say about divorce, and how should we understand it? The words of Jesus in Matthew...

Scripture in the Kitchen: David’s blessed buns

The thought behind ‘Scripture in the Kitchen’ is to be mindful of God while doing an everyday task. In this case, cooking – ladle in one hand, Bible in the other, so to speak. Maybe sing a song of thanksgiving as you...

What happened on Easter Sunday?

What actually happened on Easter Sunday? In this part of the world, only a minority associate Easter with a crucified man returning from the grave. We’ve all been to school. We’ve done our basic history, physics, and biology...
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