The Journey through the Bible in 3 1/2 Minutes series

It's a big book – and as well as being a library, it's also its own story. We've broken that big tale down into three parts, all 3½ minutes long. Explore The Old Testament Journey, The Journey of Jesus and The Journey of the Early Church  – each in 3½ minutes – and give yourself an overview. 

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The Old Testament Journey in 3½ Minutes

The Old Testament Journey in 3½ Minutes is a free video resource giving you a snapshot of Israel’s journey through the Old Testament in – yes you’ve guessed it – 3½ minutes!

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The Journey of Jesus in 3½ Minutes

To say Jesus did a lot of stuff would be like saying ‘Mount Everest’ is a bit of a climb. But we’ve created The Journey of Jesus in 3½ Minutes, a free video resource written and narrated by Dai Woolridge.

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The Journey of the Early Church in 3½ Minutes

We've got the arrival of the Holy Spirit, Pete sharing the story of Jesus and Paul doing one of the biggest U-turns imaginable. But while The Journey of the Early Church in 3½ Minutes starts with Acts, it doesn't end there – we're part of it too.

Some ideas for using these films …

  • Share in schools, church services, small groups or as an accompaniment to a Bible study
  • Share on your church’s social media channels – or even your own
  • Watch the films alongside each other to get an overview of the whole Bible in 10½ minutes

Liked these films? Subscribe to our YouTube channel!