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Bible in a year: April

Author: Helen Crawford, 2 May 2017

Tom's a third of the way through his year reading the Bible. Find out how he's getting on...

What have you been reading?

I’ve just come to the end of Luke and am in the middle of Joshua, as well as continuing on with Psalms and Proverbs. For the geeks out there, I can now say I’ve ticked off the Torah and the Synoptic Gospels.

What's been the toughest thing this month? 

Keeping up with my plan. In fact I think I’ve been at least one day behind throughout the whole of the month.

Tom was at Spring Harvest in April
talking to supporters about our work in China.

Anything that's inspired how you live or think?

The book of Joshua is full of battles, and full of God’s promise and reminder to him (and us) to not be afraid, or frightened, or discouraged. I’ve been thinking about Joshua 1.9, 'Remember that I have commanded you to be determined and confident! Do not be afraid or discouraged, for I, the Lord your God, am with you wherever you go.'

For me personally, I’m not engaged in the same kind of battles and warfare that Joshua was. But as Ephesians 6.12 says, we are not fighting against human beings but against spiritual forces. We all have our battles, whether physical warfare, or spiritual, and Joshua reminds us that God is with us wherever we go. We need not be afraid. We just have to put our trust in him.

What's up next? 

John’s up next in my New Testament section. In my Old Testament section I’ve got no idea what I’ll be reading after Joshua. Being the book after Joshua, Judges is a likely candidate, but my plan throws in a curve ball every now and again so who knows what’ll be up next. It keeps things interesting.


Tom Newbold is Bible Society's Digital Fundraising Officer. 

Following a Bible in a year reading plan? Let us know how you're getting on in the comments section below. 

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