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Articles about the Bible

Pentecost: When Babel went into reverse

Sunday 5 June is Pentecost, the day the Church celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit on the young Church. It's also the final day of Thy Kingdom Come, the prayer initiative that's seen hundreds of thousands of Christians...

How should we handle biblical bloodshed?

The Bible can shock us by the violence in its pages. Mark Woods talks to Rev Dr Helen Paynter about the topic and her new book, God of Violence Yesterday, God of Love Today?

Made for eternity: 8 Bible verses about hope

Someone has said that it’s possible to live for 40 days without food, three days without water and eight minutes without air – but only one second without hope. Here are eight Bible verses about hope.

Reasons to love...

There are many reasons to love every book of the Bible. In these short videos – which coincide with our book of the month series – we share some of these reasons.

Re-imagining the Church in a rapidly changing culture

Linda Rayner explores what it means to be church in a culture in flux.

Guess the emoji Bible story!

Can you guess which Bible stories these emojis are telling?

Bible in a year: December

Tom's almost finished reading the whole Bible! We get his last update, a little early...

Bible in a year: November

As we reach December, Tom looks back on his penultimate month of Bible-reading for 2017.

17 Bible verses about Christmas

Looking for Bible readings for your Christmas services, present labels or Christmas cards? Start here.

Bible in a year: October

Catch up with Tom's Bible escapades this month.

Bible in a year: September

Tom's still reading the Bible. Hurrah. Here's what he's learning.

10 Bible verses about love

They say love is what makes the world go round, but what does the Bible have to say about it? Here are the top ten Bible verses tagged with 'love' on our online Bible.
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