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Articles about the Bible

How much did Mary love Jesus?

In Britain, Mother's Day falls on the fourth Sunday of Lent and started as a church tradition. While you won’t find many verses in the Bible directly hailing motherhood, it’s easy to see through the stories of Bible moms...

Bread and wine

Whether or not you go to church, you’ll probably be aware that Communion is often at the heart of the service.It tends to be a fairly solemn, soul-searching affair. Originally it was more about Christians sharing a meal...

What’s the Bible story behind Lyle’s Golden Syrup?

Lyle’s Golden Syrup has had a rebrand, losing the famous Bible-based logo featuring a lion and a swarm of bees. But what’s the story behind the original logo? It’s found in Judges 14, where Samson, the super-strong judge...

Why should Christians read the Old Testament?

One answer is that the whole Bible is inspired by God, and it’s all his word to us. Another is that it’s full of great stories and wonderful verse that feeds our spirits. Another is that the world of the New Testament...

What does the Bible say about legacy?

Today, when we think about ‘legacy’ we probably think first of making sure our money and property are passed down to the next generation when we die. In Bible times, too, this was an important concern, and people’s first...

What’s in a name?

Four centuries and five thousand miles separate the American civil rights activist from the German spiritual radical Martin Luther. Do they have more in common than the name?

Scripture in the kitchen: A recipe from Jacob

There are hundreds of references to food and drink in the Bible. Some of today’s healthiest choices were enjoyed by people in the Old and New Testaments. Fish, olive oil, garlic and pomegranates were on the menu, and in...

(Un)conditional: What does Father Christmas show us about the gospel?

Father Christmas reveals the world’s conditional love, whilst the gospel reveals God’s unconditional love.

The Gospel according to Isaiah

Christians have always looked to Isaiah for a deeper understanding of the person and mission of Jesus. Since the early days of the Church, Isaiah has been called the fifth Gospel.

Prophecy in Isaiah

Biblical prophets were not fortune tellers. Periodically they referred to the future, but their main job was to speak into the present. Time and again they critiqued the status quo, drawing attention to the chasm between God...

Authorship of Isaiah

Read the book of Isaiah and you’ll quickly realise that it is not a biography. The focus is on the message, not the man who proclaimed it. We do know about his calling, though: a close encounter with the majesty, holiness...

Don’t just stand there!

Michael Pfundner explains how the word for ‘news’ in German implies information so significant it demands an actual response, not just a retweet. Likewise, the good news of the gospel is so significant it necessitates...
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