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Articles about the Bible

Life lessons from Moses

When we remember that Moses was an imperfect person – just like us – who needed God’s guidance and strength, it becomes easier to see the principles and lessons that we can learn from him and apply to our lives.

Life Lessons from Rahab

If you’re looking for an example of faith, courage and trust in God, Rahab is an excellent Old Testament example. Her story is full of lessons that can help us in our own lives today. 

The Bible’s women’s rights activists

Let us remember the biblical story of the five daughters of Zelophehad, who got an unfair law changed and were the world’s first recorded women’s rights campaigners.

What is Lent all about?

Lent is a traditional period in the Church calendar which marks the advent of Easter. When it technically starts and ends depends on the Church tradition.

Jesus the Refugee

We hear daily stories about the plight of refugees, often fleeing war and persecution. Jesus too was a refugee. What do we know about the Flight into Egypt? 

The Bible: just a ‘spiritual’ book?

In the wider world, the Bible – and religious faith in general – is sometimes dismissed as a ‘private’ thing, designed to feed someone's personal spiritual life but with no wider relevance.

Who was William Tyndale?

The English reformer, William Tyndale (1494–1536), was the first person to translate the New Testament directly from Greek to English.

How did God inspire the Bible?

The usual way that Christians understand the Bible to be a book from God is to say that he inspired it.

Hard questions for Bible translators

Translating the Bible can be a difficult task. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to keep everyone happy.

Does the New Testament get the Old Testament wrong?

Most Christians believe that the Old Testament should be interpreted in the light of the New Testament.

Bible banquets: What's different about Psalm 23?

‘You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.’

Amazing grace: the gospel in Psalm 23

Inspired by Psalm 23.5 – ‘You prepare a banquet for me, where all my enemies can see me’ – Bible Society is encouraging churches to host banquets for those who might have been particularly affected by the coronavirus...
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