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Articles about the Bible

Bible banquets: What's different about Psalm 23?

‘You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.’

Amazing grace: the gospel in Psalm 23

Inspired by Psalm 23.5 – ‘You prepare a banquet for me, where all my enemies can see me’ – Bible Society is encouraging churches to host banquets for those who might have been particularly affected by the coronavirus...

Ten ways to approach family Bible time

What does reading the Bible look like in your family? Do you set aside time to read it together?

‘You anoint my head’: what does Psalm 23 tell us about welcome?

Inspired by Psalm 23.5 – ‘You prepare a banquet for me, where all my enemies can see me’ – Bible Society is encouraging churches to host banquets for those who might have been particularly affected by the coronavirus...

'The presence of my enemies'? Translating Psalm 23.5

Inspired by Psalm 23.5 – ‘You prepare a banquet for me, where all my enemies can see me’ – Bible Society is encouraging churches to host banquets for those who might have been particularly affected by the coronavirus...

Is the word Easter in the Bible?

Easter is a time when Christians remember the death and resurrection of Jesus. The story is so significant that it is told in all four Gospel accounts in the New Testament.

Story of the Bible, Act 12: New Creation

We might not know much about what it will look like or how it will arrive, but the Bible is clear that history is moving towards a point, when God's purposes for creation will be fulfilled.

Story of the Bible, Act 11: Body of Christ

Out of all the billions of people in the world, no two people have the same fingerprints. Each one of us is unique, and that uniqueness is far more than skin deep.

Story of the Bible, Act 10: Early Church

Pentecost launched the Church with a great rush of power and enthusiasm. The early chapters of the book of Acts show us a body of believers inspired by their knowledge that God had done something wonderful: he had raised Jesus...

Story of the Bible, Act 9: Pentecost

Pentecost marks the birthday of the Church! A handful of bewildered but hopeful disciples became a world-changing force that brought the life-changing message of salvation to millions.

Story of the Bible, Act 8: The Great Commission

Jesus' words in the last verses of Matthew's Gospel have driven Christian mission for centuries. The gospel isn't just for us, it's for everyone.

Story of the Bible, Act 7: Resurrection

Mark 16.6 tells us that when the broken-hearted women went to the tomb after the crucifixion, an angel told them: 'He is not here – he has been raised!' (GNB).
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