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Articles about the Bible

Biblical Fathers: Joseph

It's Father's Day on Sunday, and this week Bible Society is focusing on some biblical fathers. Some of them get it right, some don't – but they all tell us something about the challenges of fatherhood today.

Biblical Fathers: Elkanah

It's Father's Day on Sunday, and this week Bible Society is focusing on some biblical fathers. Some of them get it right, some don't – but they all tell us something about the challenges of fatherhood today.

Biblical Fathers: David

It's Father's Day on Sunday, and this week Bible Society is focusing on some biblical fathers. Some of them get it right, some don't – but they all tell us something about the challenges of fatherhood today.

Biblical Fathers: Jephthah

It's Father's Day on Sunday, and this week Bible Society is focusing on some biblical fathers. Some of them get it right, some don't – but they all tell us something about the challenges of fatherhood today.

Biblical Fathers: Jacob

It's Father's Day on Sunday, and this week Bible Society is focusing on some biblical fathers. Some of them get it right, some don't – but they all tell us something about the challenges of fatherhood today.

Biblical Fathers: Isaac

It's Father's Day on Sunday, and this week Bible Society is focusing on some biblical fathers. Some of them get it right, some don't – but they all tell us something about the challenges of fatherhood today.

Bible Q&A: What is the gift of speaking in tongues, and is it for today?

These gifts are things God allows us to do to serve and encourage one another by his power, and they signify that a believer has the Holy Spirit in their lives. They are exercised through faith.

Story of the Bible, Act 5: The Prophets

The Old Testament prophets spoke the words of God into their own situations. Sometimes these words were fiery rebukes for the people's sin; sometimes they were prophecies of judgement on their enemies; sometimes they were...

Our Fragility

Covid-19 is telling us a great deal about our own fragility. It is also shattering any illusions that might previously have existed, of us humans being in control.

Bible Q&A: What does the Bible say about tithing?

Tithing is the practice of setting apart one-tenth of one's earnings as an offering to God. Numbers 18 tells us that the tithes were to be given to the Levites, the Israelite tribe who were set apart as priests.

Bible Q&A: What’s the most accurate Bible translation?

Occasionally, Bible translators struggle to accurately translate a word, phrase or sentence. As a reader you may try reading more than one English translation, side by side, to appreciate the range of meanings a word or phrase...

Top tips for memorising Scripture

Whether you’re a beginner looking to start small or an expert wanting to take it to the next level, here are some tips to help you on your way to a lifelong habit of Bible memorisation.
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