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Articles about the Bible

Story of the Bible, Act 4: The Exile

After the escape from Egypt, the Exile is the most important event in the life of God's people in the Old Testament.

Bible Q&A: How do we reconcile the differences between the four Gospels?

I suspect more people than usual will currently be asking this question. Christians naturally turn to the Bible, yet the Bible offers no seamless answer to the problem of pain. It speaks in stories and images, and tackles...

The Lord is My Portion: COVID-19

Reflecting on Coronavirus through the book of Lamentations.

What does Psalm 91 really say about the coronavirus?

Psalm 91 is a beautiful song that speaks of trust in God in the darkest of times. Because of its references to 'diseases' and 'plagues', it seems to be designed for what the world is going through at the moment with the coronavirus...

Psalm 91 and the coronavirus: How Scripture speaks today

One of the most precious parts of the Bible to many Christians is the book of Psalms. They reflect every kind of human experience – joy, grief, rage, frustration, it's all there. We go to Psalms when we want to find our...

Bible Q&A: Why doesn’t God stop all bad things from happening?

I suspect more people than usual will currently be asking this question. Christians naturally turn to the Bible, yet the Bible offers no seamless answer to the problem of pain. It speaks in stories and images, and tackles...

Bible Q&A: Why did Jonah not go to Nineveh when God told him to?

One answer is that arguing with God and wrestling with his word is a thoroughly Jewish thing to do. Israel, the name of a nation founded as late as 1948, reveals something of God’s relationship with his people since ancient...

Story of the Bible, Act 3: The Patriarchs

The great drama of Scripture continues with the Patriarchs, the first members of the family who were to become a nation.

Bible Q&A: Did Jesus really expect his followers to ‘hate’ their own family in order to be his disciples?

Jesus said, 'If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple' (Luke 14.26).

Six Celebrated Women in the early Church

There are a lot of misconceptions about the Bible’s portrayal of women, particularly in Paul’s letters. But women were celebrated in the early Church and by Paul himself. Let’s take a look at some of the women that played...

Bible Q&A: Two testaments, one God

Why does God seem angrier in the Old Testament, and more loving in the New Testament?

Bible Q&A: Did Jesus appear in the Old Testament?

How did the tradition arise that Christ appeared four times in the Old Testament prior to his incarnation?
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