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Articles about the Bible

Bible Q&A: Why bother about this planet if there's going to be a new earth?

What is the relationship between the new heaven and the new earth in the Book of Revelation? If there is to be a new earth and the present one is to be destroyed, how far should Christians be concerned about the conservation...

Bible Q&A: Why were the books of the New Testament written so long after the events?

The other day, someone pulled up in a brand-new Tesla. It stood out, not just because of its sleek shape and immaculate sheen; it stood out in a car park crammed with CO2-spouting, planet-heating fuel guzzlers...

Story of the Bible, Act 2: The Fall

The first two chapters of the Bible give us a picture of a world that's perfectly designed by God and perfectly in line with his will and character. People live in the way they're meant to live, and all the ingredients of...

12 ways to kick-start your Bible journalling habit

Where to start? Here are some suggestions to help. Try using at least one of these techniques on any bit of the Bible you’re studying.

Bible Q&A: What did Jesus mean when he said, ‘all nations’?

When Jesus gave the great commission he said to make disciples from all nations. What does the original word for 'all nations' mean and suggest? If Jesus were giving his parting words here and today, what might be his instructions...

Bible Q&A: Does Jesus contradict the writer of Ecclesiastes?

Why are some verses in the book of Ecclesiastes so pessimistic, with advice such as ‘Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die’ included in the Bible? They seem completely contrary to the teaching of Jesus.

Bible Q&A: Has the Bible lost its authority?

If each generation has to interpret the Bible in the light of their experience, isn’t its authority lost in the psychology of those interpreting it?

Bible Q&A: Is God male or female?

If God made male and female in his image, what does that make God?

Story of the Bible, Act 1: Creation

The Bible begins at the beginning, with dramatic scene-setting stories of the creation of the world, including the first people. They shouldn't be read in the same way that we would read a scientific text-book. They're designed...

Bible Q&A: Between the Testaments

What happened between the end of the Old Testament and the start of the New Testament?

How do I get the most out of reading the Bible?

How do we love God with all our mind? Well, one way is to read God’s word – to feast on what God says about himself, about us, and about everything he has created. But if we’re being honest, we’re a lot better at feasting...

Bible Q&A: Is Christmas really a pagan festival?

Christians haven't always been keen on Christmas. Oliver Cromwell famously banned it during his time as Lord Protector (1653-58) – markets were ordered to stay open on Christmas Day, and in London soldiers went on patrol...
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