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Articles about the Bible

Ephesians: Read it like you'd eat a rich fruit cake

Ephesians is a letter that's been compared to a sermon – it's so full of deep thinking about the implications of the gospel for the daily life of the Christian.

Bible Q&A: Why was Mary political?

Was Mary really getting political when she sang, ‘He has brought down rulers from their thrones … He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich empty away’?

Bible Q&A: Ancestral lineage in the Bible

Why does the Bible include lots of ancestral lineage in the middle of a story, e.g. Nehemiah?

Bible Q&A: Who was Thaddeus?

What is known about the disciple called Thaddeus?

Bible Q&A: Christian morals and values

Should Christians impose their biblically-driven morals and values on society, or keep quiet?

Bible Q&A: Burial or cremation – does it matter?

If a Christian is cremated rather than buried, will it affect their eternal state in any way?

Bible Q&A: What would Christianity look like without Paul’s letters?

If the New Testament didn’t have any of Paul’s letters, would Christianity still be a complete faith, founded on salvation through Jesus Christ?

Bible Q&A: Does the Holy Spirit get mentioned before the Day of Pentecost, and in the Old Testament?

The Holy Spirit certainly does appear before Pentecost and in the Old Testament. There is some continuity in the way the Spirit is revealed in both Old and New Testaments, but also some differences.

Bible Q&A: Can a believer lose their salvation?

Many Christians have had the experience of a friend or family member leaving the Church, and seemingly the faith. This is why the question is sometimes pressing, and we want to know whether or not those friends are still saved...

Bible Q&A: How can we trust God in times of suffering?

Suppose someone else could give us a sound biblical explanation; would it take away the hurt?

Ruth: Not your average love story

The book of Ruth is set during a dark time in Israel's history, though most scholars believe it was written down a good deal later. Not many good things happened during the period of the Judges ¬– it ends with the words...
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