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Articles about the Bible

Bible Q&A: Was one of the apostles a woman?

Who was Junia, the female apostle mentioned in Romans 16.7?

Your guide to biblical genre

Understanding the genre – or type – of writing you've got in front of you when you open your Bible will make a huge difference to how you interpret the text. Learn the basics of biblical genre with this handy guide.

Bible Q&A: When did monogamy become the norm?

Many of the Old Testament leaders had more than one wife. At what point in Jewish history did monogamy become the accepted norm?

Bible Q&A: The beginning of the world

Is Genesis an accurate account of the beginning of the world or a layman's version which man can understand without having a Stephen Hawking's degree?

Bible Q&A: The Bible – an ongoing library?

Given that the Bible is, by definition, a library of books about God and his people, why does it stop at the Book of Revelation? Surely that story is a continuing one which in the present canon of Scripture already goes beyond...

Bible Q&A: David – a man after God's own heart?

Why is King David referred to as 'a man after God's own heart? This really challenges me, as many of his psalms call for God to unleash vengeance and judgement upon his adversaries, as opposed to pleading for him to reveal...

Daniel: A whistle-stop tour

Everyone knows a few Daniel stories. Daniel in the lions' den is one of the most famous Bible stories of all. Then there's Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace, and the writing on the wall at King Belshazzar...

Bible Q&A: Best verses to memorise?

What are the best ten Bible verses to memorise?

Bible Q&A: What did Jesus write in the sand?

What was Jesus was writing in the sand when the woman was caught in adultery? Was it the 10 commandments, or was he writing down all the sins of the Pharisees? Maybe by writing in the sand and not in stone, he was indicating...

Bible Q&A: Daniel and Jonah – history or story?

If we look at stories such as Daniel and Jonah, how sure are we that they are actually based upon historical events, rather than stories or parables to help us understand how God [acted] and hence how we should react today...

The Gospel of John: A whistle-stop tour

John's Gospel is the odd one out. The others – Matthew, Mark and Luke – are called the 'synoptics', from the Greek meaning 'with the same eyes' – they share many of the same stories and sometimes even tell them in the...

The Book of James: A whistle-stop tour

Our Book of the Month for July is the Letter of James. It is a short letter – only five chapters – but it has some extraordinarily deep and challenging teaching within it.
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