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Reasons to love...

Author: Bible Society, 10 October 2018

 There are many reasons to love every book of the Bible. In these short videos – which coincide with our book of the month series – we share some of these reasons.

Our book of the month for November is Proverbs. Here's Ryan, to share some of the reasons he loves it.

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Previous books

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Dai tells us why Ruth is one of his favourite books!

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Ryan tells us why Daniel is one of his favourite books!

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Simeon tells us why John is one of his favourite books!

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Fred tells us why James is one of his favourite books!

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Lisa tells us why Hebrews is one of her favourite books!

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Luke tells us why Jonah is one of his favourite books!

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2 Corinthians

Mark tells us why he loves the book of 2 Corinthians.

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Helen tells us why Job is one of her favourite books!

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Paul tells us why Romans is one of his favourite books!

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Noemie Smith to tell us why Psalms is her favourite book.

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Tom Newbold tells us why Isaiah is his favourite book ...

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Hannah tells us why Revelation is her favourite book ...

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Kit Gauger tells us why she loves Philippians.

What else we're up to

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