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Daily reflections

Our daily reflections follow the M'Cheyne Bible reading plan, designed for those who want to read the whole Bible in one year. Each reflection focuses on one of the chapters from that day's readings. 

Open our eyes: 2 Kings 6 (Day 298)

On the surface the situation is dire. An army with horses and chariots surrounds the city. Yet this chapter includes a dramatic reveal. Elisha’s frightened servant has his eyes opened to reality as it is, rather than reality...

Don’t miss the messenger: 2 Kings 7 (Day 299)

As we know from elsewhere in Scripture, people with leprosy were outcasts from society and not allowed to live in the city. Rejected and feared by society, their lives outside the city gates depended on charity. Yet in 2 Kings...

Lies and murder: 2 Kings 8.7–15 (Day 300)

The books of Kings are not for the squeamish. They deal with people who will do anything for power, including betrayal and murder. Here the Syrian king, Benhadad, seeks reassurance from an Israelite prophet, Elisha, that he...

How can there be peace?: 2 Kings 9.1–37 (Day 301)

This story proceeds at a breakneck speed, like Jehu's driving (verse 20). Evidently the Israelite army officers have grown tired of King Joram, perhaps because of his unsuccessful alliance with Judah's King Ahaziah against...

Extreme prejudice: 2 Kings 10.1–27 (Day 302)

King Jehu was determined to purge Israel of every trace of Ahab's family and the Baal-worship they had promoted. The list of his murders is deeply depressing, especially because it was done in the name of the LORD.

Athaliah verses the Temple: 2 Kings 11.1–16 (Day 303)

The bloodthirsty King Jehu has killed not just the Israelites who stood in his way, but Ahaziah, king of Judah (9.27). The way was open for another palace coup, but this one is carried out, unusually, by a woman – his mother...

Faith and actions: 2 Kings 13.14–21 (Day 304)

This period of Israel's history sees the nation under continuous attack by the Syrians to the north, and in occasional conflict with Judah to the south. King Jehu's son Jehoahaz and grandson Jehoash are both condemned for...

A moment of madness: 2 Kings 14.1–22 (Day 305)

Judah's King Amaziah takes over from his father, the murdered King Joash (12.20–21). Like his father, he is commended for doing 'what was pleasing to the LORD', though like him he didn't purge the kingdom of Baal-worship...

Integrity in leadership: Titus 1.1–16 (Day 306)

Titus is ministering in Crete, and Paul is not very complimentary about Cretans (verses 12–13) – 'liars, wicked beasts and lazy gluttons' is not diplomatic language. As usual in his letters, we only have one side of the...
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