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Give the Bible to someone in the Bible Lands

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Demand for God's word in the places Jesus lived is increasing. Will you help meet this urgent need and give the Bible to someone today?

£39,840.00 out of £30,000 raised

from 632 supporters



2,000 Bibles


4,000 Bibles

Only two out of a hundred people in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza identify as Christian. For most that's much more of a cultural identity than a faith, which means that few in the Bible Lands actually open the Bible. But this is changing.

People in these ancient, divided communities are turning to God in unprecedented numbers. That's why Bible mission leaders in the Bible Lands are asking for your help. 

Right now someone in Jerusalem or Nazareth or Bethlehem is seeking Jesus. Will you put the Bible in their hands today?

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If you’ve been to the Bible Lands, you’ll know there are signs of conflict everywhere. From the news you can get a sense of the daily pressure people live under. But mission teams there are encouraged to see so many people responding to the good news. Nashat, who shares the Bible with the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, says: ‘The gospel has no boundaries. We believe the Bible is the bridge to all.’

Faith is becoming real for more and more people. Will you give the Bible to one of them today? 

Dina shares the Bible in Nazareth

‘People have had enough of violence and wars and hatred. They want change. They need God, and to meet God they need the Bible.

‘In the traditional churches, it used to be that only the priest would have a Bible. Now people want to read Scripture for themselves. I’m seeing revival in those traditional churches. Things are happening that weren’t happening 10 years ago.

‘God is at work, making his Church alive again!’

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Will you provide Dina with the Bibles she needs for the many in church with an urgent desire to read it? They want a new relationship with God, and you can help them get there.

When Dina takes 100 Bibles to a church, she’ll be asked for 900 more. She doesn’t have enough for everyone seeking God in her community. 

Will you help ensure no one else is left out? Will you give the Bible to someone in the Bible Lands today?

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