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When you share the Bible with a migrant worker in the Gulf, you’ll be welcoming them into a church community and helping make disciples of all nations. (Photo credit: Babu Ganta)

Giving Tuesday 2022

This appeal is fully funded, please consider giving to these appeals:

Will you give the Bible to someone in the Gulf seeking God?

£7,402.00 out of £10,000 raised

from 184 supporters


The whole world is in the Gulf right now, and not only as football fans. Millions of migrant workers are building the region’s futuristic cities, including the eight stadiums in Qatar. These workers are often desperate – exhausted, frightened, homesick – but you can welcome them into church and put the Bible in their hands.

Will you share God’s love with a migrant worker in the Gulf today?

Donate now

In the Gulf alone, you have the opportunity to make disciples of all nations. People come to this important global hub in huge numbers from every part of the world. When you give the Bible to a migrant worker, that person will share it where they are now and bring it home when they eventually leave the Gulf. 

By changing one life today, you’ll bring hope to so many.

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Prasad's story

Pastor Prasad ministers to migrant workers in the Gulf. 

‘My wife and I came from India to Kuwait on a domestic worker’s visa, looking for a better life. I worked as a driver 12 hours a day, seven days a week. My wife needed treatment for a cancerous tumour in her womb.

‘We shared a flat with a Christian family and they prayed for us. My wife started going to church with them, and when her doctor informed us that the tumour was gone, she became a Christian. I started attending Bible study sessions with my co-workers, who were poor and simple but happy. The words of the Bible touched my heart, and I became a new person. 

‘I lost my job and returned to India. I studied theology and eventually returned to the Gulf as a worker for God. I established a church in the town where I’d become a Christian, and I now pastor a congregation in a basement in the city of Salmiya. Your support is a blessing not only to me and my church but for Christians and churches in the Gulf.’

You can help bring someone like Prasad through dark times by sharing the Bible today. Will you reach out on Giving Tuesday and make a difference for a migrant worker?

Donate now

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