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Pray for Nabil and other Bible Society leaders around the world

Nabil from the Bible Society in Syria said, 'No words can describe our true joy being involved with the work that God has given us to do in our homeland.' A vital part of this is children's ministry. Despite war and ongoing conflict the children are coming to Sunday school in growing numbers and there is a huge need for quality training for new children's workers. We pray for these children who have seen such atrocities and suffered loss and trauma, that they may know God's love and care for them. We pray for protection, perseverance and encouragement for the Bible Society staff in Syria. May they know God's peace in their lives.

Bible Society leaders around the world face many challenges and depending on the circumstances within their country; terrorism, restrictions and poverty can threaten their mission. We thank God today for their courage, enthusiasm and unfaltering commitment to sharing the gospel. Please pray that they will know we stand by them each day as brothers and sisters in Christ and that we share their tears and their joy.

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