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Prayer for Malawi (continued)

Our team recently visited Malawi and gathered prayers from the Bible Society there as well as the people they minister to. This month, please join us in upholding the country, the work of Bible Society and particularly their work with children in your prayers.

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living, so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed.
2 Timothy 3.16-17 (GNB)


This prayer request comes from Joseph Khondowe, who is a part-time Bible promoter and has worked on the children's bible distribution project for three years:

To people who have helped provide Bibles, thank you very much. Together, we have reached more than 6,000 children but there's still a need for more Bibles. 


We value your support so much, not just money but prayer too.

Pray for our Sunday school teachers. Pray they will have time to study the Bible and prepare their lessons for children. Also pray for the pastors, that they will start to understand the importance of children in their churches. Pray the pastors will support the teachers.


Thank you for praying with us, we deeply value your intercessions on our behalf as we seek to share God's word at home and around the world.

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