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Prayer for Open the Book in Ghana (3)

We're excited about the growing Open the Book programme in Ghana. Charles, Elizabeth and Rubby, who make up the Open the Book team in Ghana, have asked us to pray for them.


Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God — what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect.
Romans 12.2 (GNB)


This week's prayer requests come from Elizabeth who works in the Programme Department of the Bible Society in Ghana and is also an Open the Book volunteer:


I have seen Open the Book change the lives of the children. Sometimes they tell you things they used to do and no longer do. Some children never used to go to church but, through Open the Book, they have become interested in what the Bible says. Some of them now go to church.


We have other children who didn't know how to pray. But the Open the Book prayers have helped them learn.


  • Please pray that Open the Book will be able to expand into more schools so that more children can benefit from the programme.
  • Please pray that God will strengthen, protect and bless the team which runs Open the Book as well as all the volunteers. The children look to us as examples and our lives should reflect godly values to them.  
  • Ask God  to touch the lives of the children through the stories so that we see a real transformation.


Thank you for praying with us, we deeply value your intercessions on our behalf as we seek to share God's word at home and around the world.

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