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Prayer tree leaves: Africa

In the next 10 years, more Christians will live in Africa than on any other continent. Demand for the Bible is already unprecedented – and it’s on the rise. Our aim is to reach the poorest, most troubled families, the people who are at war or those who’ve been displaced, and the most marginalised communities. Join us in prayer for this work by adding a prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Lord watch over them guide them esp these trying times

Sharon miller, from Scotland

4 years ago

Father God,
We know that your word brings life. Thankyou for those working to bring it to remote communities and to translate it into local languages. Protect and strengthen them we pray.

Margaret , from London

4 years ago

May God protect all those who minister in his name. May he grant them health, well-being and protection from harm, accident and Coronavirus.

Jane, from Suffolk

4 years ago

May God have mercy on us, as we don’t know what we are doing. May God’s peace and love be with you always, amen

Jo, from Stevenage

4 years ago

May the Lord comfort and support you in dark times
May you feel enfolded by His love for you
May His Presence be with you and guide you
In all of this Praise His Holy Name

Richard, from Lancaster

4 years ago

Thank you Father God that your love is never ending and your Holy Scripture is living word. Thank you for these courageous Brothers & Sisters in Christ . May they receive strength and peace & joy .

Susan, from Norty

4 years ago

May the Lord give you courage, strength and safety. May he guide and protect you.

Maria, from London

4 years ago

Lord bless and protect those who face danger. Give them the strength they need to live the lives they deserve. Comfort those who have experienced loss. Keep them in your loving arms.

Susan, from Tiverton

4 years ago

Heavenly father
We pray for your gospel of peace to reach your people in peace.
We pray for protection and safety of the workers and those that need the gospel in Jesus mighty name amen.

Manasse, from Hounslow

4 years ago

Heavenly Father, I pray for your protection over your people and their families in Africa. Thank you for your promises of Psalm 91 - please cover your brave people with these promises. Amen.

Sarah, from England

4 years ago

Jesus, You came to be with us, Emmanuel, and we live in you. Wherever there is suffering, strife, affliction and loss there You are, in the middle. Through your Word give each one your comfort, consolation, courage and hope.

Jane, from England

4 years ago

Heavenly Father, we in UK have so much and the people of Africa so little. We pray for the Bible Society as it seeks to improve the situation and provide more bibles to needy people.


4 years ago

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