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Prayer tree leaves: Africa

In the next 10 years, more Christians will live in Africa than on any other continent. Demand for the Bible is already unprecedented – and it’s on the rise. Our aim is to reach the poorest, most troubled families, the people who are at war or those who’ve been displaced, and the most marginalised communities. Join us in prayer for this work by adding a prayer leaf.

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Lord God , bless Africa. Empower everybody working to spread your Gospel with discernment, wisdom , stamina , protection and peace-joy. May all Boko Haram and Fulani be reborn like St Paul was at Damascus. In Jesus’ Mighty Name: AMEN!

Heather Margaret, from Coleraine

4 years ago

Heavenly father,give mercy and protection to your disciples who suffer at the hands of terrorist organisations in Cameroon and other African regions. Bring your children in these area awareness and revelation of your living word. Unite and strengthen their faith.Amen

Stuart, from Liverpool uk

4 years ago

Father, pour out your grace on the Bible Society of Niger and the general Secretary, Yaye. Increase their faith and wisdom, and increase the sale of Bibles. In Jesus name, Amen.

Geof Beswick, from Barnsley, England

4 years ago

Lord Jesus, You came that we might life in abundance, I pray You will make this a reality for the people in Africa who are suffering for their faith in you, instil in their hearts the assurance of Your love.

Kim, from Hertfordshire UK

4 years ago

I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ, You came into the world to save all who put their faith in You, by the power of the Holy Spirit, bring peace and hope to the people of Africa, Amen.

Kim, from Hertfordshire UK

4 years ago

Lord I also Pray for those who support them during this difficult times Lord i pray that you raise up partners who will support them financially and i pray for edification through your Spirit. Amen


4 years ago

Lord Jesus I pray for those who are persecution due to their faith in you Lord I pray that you strengthen them and provide and comfort them through you Spirit. in Jesus name Amen


4 years ago

Heavenly Father, I pray that you help everyone out there in the mission field in Africa to be strong in the face of adversary. And that your light will shine onto every part of the African continent in JESUS NAME


4 years ago

Father God. I pray for Africa and all who live and work there that peace will come to each person so that they can live and work together in harmony. Stamp out all corruption. Strengthen all true believers. Amen

Anonymous, from West Midlands

4 years ago

Father God, I thank you that Christianity is growing in Africa. I pray for protection, strength and wisdom for all those who are openly sharing your word and their faith. Please open the hearts of those they speak to. Amen.

Jan, from London

4 years ago

Father we know you know evert siguatio but Lord we bring the situation in Africa to you and ask that you would give wisdom, strength and resources to those working in this area.
Amen 🙏


4 years ago

Father I ask for your protection over Africa, I ask for abundant blessings, I ask for you to reveal your power and love and draw your children close to you, in Jesus name I pray.

Lorraine, from Milton Keynes

4 years ago

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