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Prayer tree leaves: Africa

In the next 10 years, more Christians will live in Africa than on any other continent. Demand for the Bible is already unprecedented – and it’s on the rise. Our aim is to reach the poorest, most troubled families, the people who are at war or those who’ve been displaced, and the most marginalised communities. Join us in prayer for this work by adding a prayer leaf.

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Dear Lord Jesus,
I pray that your word will reach your people, intervene into this situation, arrest the terrorists, let them know you are the greatest. Lord Jesus save your people.
In Jesus name AMEN

Nnedi Adoki, from London England

5 years ago

Father God, please save people in Africa, by Your Holy Spirit, so that they will KNOW Jesus Christ as their own personal Saviour, Lord, Deliverer, Provider and Healer. Pls protect Your children from all evil, in Jesus name I ask.🌷

Karen B, from GLASGOW

5 years ago

Lord, I thank you for so many gifts and pray for all who live on the margins, may we all be open to your Word, your gifts and your love.

David, from Midlands UK

5 years ago

Dear Lord,
Please comfort, strengthen and protect our brothers and sisters in the Sahel. Let the gospel flourish among them and through them. Let your kingdom be established and continue to increase and expand swallowing up the darkness, O Lord.


5 years ago

Dear Father protect and bless and strengthen your beautiful church in Mali May the Christians see your hand of love and mercy all around them and may their faith be strength and souls saved and new disciples made . Amen

Joy Wilson, from London

5 years ago

Lord, please abide with and comfort my brethren who have lost loved ones. Let Your Kingdom be established in all regions of Africa, especially the horn, west and north. Let those attacking surrender to You oh Lord. In Jesus Name.

Abi Akinyemi, from London

5 years ago

Heavenly Father may your servants in the Sahel region and especially in Mali know Your strength, protection, comfort and healing at this time. Reveal Yourself to the men of violence and turn them from their wickedness. In Christ's name. Amen.

Nan, from Coleraine, N.Ireland

5 years ago

God, our Father, please send peace to the people of Western Sahel and protect them from their enemies. May the Holy Spirit breath on them courage and comfort. Please help Jacques to continue your work. Amen

Irene, from UK

5 years ago

Heavenly Father I pray that you will send peace to Mali. Soften the hearts of those who would kill your servants and bring them to know you Son, Jesus Christ. Send your Holy Spirit to comfort the bereaved. Amen

Eileen, from Cornwall

5 years ago

God our father
Please send the Holy Spirit,
Reassure all those Christians that are suffering with your loving presence.
And help us remain united together as one body of Christ.
In Jesus name .

louise jones, from Hixon

5 years ago

Heavenly Father we lift your precious people our brothers and sisters in Christ strength them encourage them hide them under the shadow of your almighty wings cover them with your feathers encamp around them bless them in your powerful name.


5 years ago

Heavenly Father, give us peace. Protect our brothers and sisters in Christ, wherever they are. Guide us and direct us to be the people you would have us be. Thank you for making me a child of Yours.

Yvonne , from USA

5 years ago

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