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Prayer tree leaves: Africa

In the next 10 years, more Christians will live in Africa than on any other continent. Demand for the Bible is already unprecedented – and it’s on the rise. Our aim is to reach the poorest, most troubled families, the people who are at war or those who’ve been displaced, and the most marginalised communities. Join us in prayer for this work by adding a prayer leaf.

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Dear God,

I pray that you would speak to those who have committed violent acts against your people and those who are planning to do so.
Please lead them to repent.


5 years ago

Dear Jesus,
A North African helped You carry Your Cross. Please continue to help Africa to carry her crosses. We beseech that You bring peace, brotherhood and prosperity to this land by Your Mighty Name and Love. Amen.

Anon, from S. Africa

5 years ago

Pray God would send his Angel's to protect the churches and his people. Pray for peace and harmony .

Tim P, from UK

5 years ago

Just read about the persecution of the churches in Africa.
Although we are far away from you please know we do care.
Stand firm in Christ he will overcome this evil and you will be free.
God be close to you.

Anonymous, from Somerset

5 years ago

Lord Jesus, please protect the believers in Burkina Faso. Strengthen them in this time of violence, preserve the faithful, let them be strong and hope in you. Deliver them from evil and their troubles, be close to the brokenhearted. X

Emma B , from Swindon

5 years ago

There is no pit so deep there He is not deeper still. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.x

Carole, from Devon, UK

5 years ago

Loving Father, have mercy on our brothers & sisters in Burkina Faso who are suffering persecution. Protect them from those plotting evil against them and change the hearts of the perpetrators. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ.

Jenny, from London UK

5 years ago

Lord God, I pray for our Christian family in Africa and ask that you protect them from the persecution they endure because of their faith in you. Keep them safe and strong knowing they will live on in you. Amen

J Riley, from Berwick upon Tweed

5 years ago

Lord, strengthen our brothers and sisters who face persecution. Help them stand firmly in your love, truth and forgiveness. Send your Spirit upon them, so that they can boldly proclaim the Good News and see a harvest in their surroundings.

Matjaž Črnivec, from Slovenia

5 years ago

Lord, thank you for all your people in Africa who are being persecuted because of their faith. Please protect, provide for, comfort, strengthen and help each one. May their faithful witness bear much fruit. In Jesus' name, Amen.


5 years ago

Lord God, I thank you for our Christian brothers and sisters in Africa, praying that you will strengthen them in every situation, give them courage and joy, hope and healing, according to their needs, in the name of Christ Jesus.

Anne, from Chilterns

5 years ago

Father there are so many things that we do not understand. Please, Please, please help our dear brothers and sisters in Burkina Faso. Jesus give them your healing and strength and peace. Amen. And Lord help us too.


5 years ago

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