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Prayer tree leaves: Africa

In the next 10 years, more Christians will live in Africa than on any other continent. Demand for the Bible is already unprecedented – and it’s on the rise. Our aim is to reach the poorest, most troubled families, the people who are at war or those who’ve been displaced, and the most marginalised communities. Join us in prayer for this work by adding a prayer leaf.

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Father I bring the people of Burkina Faso to you today. Please give your children the strength to persevere in these adversities. Soften the hearts of the perpetrators of violence. May your people know you are with them.


5 years ago

Father through your Holy Spirit bring Life into your people who are suffering in BF. Show the perpetrators WHO You are, the GREAT I AM.
Thank you Lord

Lesley, from monmouthshire

5 years ago

Father ,turn the tide of hatred. Soften the hearts of those who do not know you. Bind the evil one that your legions of angels will intervene. Bring comfort to those who mourn.

Anonymous, from Scotland

5 years ago

Dear Lord, please help your people in Burkina Faso, and in all the world where there is violence and hatred send your love and forgiveness, in Jesus’ name. Amen


5 years ago

Father, I ask for your help with those who worship under these extreme circumstances. I pray for all those persecuted for their faith, living in fear of attack and brutality. Help them Lord. Amen.

Saxon, from England UK

5 years ago

Please help Lord.

Angie Gibson

5 years ago

end to the violence; for the families of those killed in the attacks and for the churches immediately affected. Thank God for the perseverance of Yankiné and his team in Bukino Faso

Steve Prescott, from Stafford

5 years ago

Heavenly Father, we praise you for the work of your Holy Spirit in Burkina Faso & for those who share & listen to the Gospel. Please protect, strengthen & support them and give them your peace. Amen

Cherry, from Wales

5 years ago

O Lord our God whose love is unconditional and unending, Thank you for your son Jesus that we know for sure that those killed in terrorist attacks will held in your everlasting arms. Comfort those who mourn

Kay, from Shropshire

5 years ago

Dear Father
We pray for your will to be done. We ask that your gospel is preached to those who need you the most. Pls strengthen our brothers and sisters not to waiver or faint give them courage and hope! Amen

J, from London

5 years ago

Father God, please comfort the families of those who have been killed. Please bring an end to the violence against Christians. May those who perpetrate the attacks repent and turn to you.

Fran, from Lincolnshire

5 years ago

Father, in Jesus name, we pray for the safety & health of ur people in Burkina Faso. We pray ur protection upon them who serve you faithfully, for they can do all things through Christ who strengthens them, Amen.

Anu, from Mumbai, India

5 years ago

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