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Prayer tree leaves: Africa

In the next 10 years, more Christians will live in Africa than on any other continent. Demand for the Bible is already unprecedented – and it’s on the rise. Our aim is to reach the poorest, most troubled families, the people who are at war or those who’ve been displaced, and the most marginalised communities. Join us in prayer for this work by adding a prayer leaf.

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Lord, please give courage, peace, and grace to Christians and Church leaders in Burkina Faso. Please bring healing where they have faced trauma and loss. Thank you for their courageous witness.

Richard, from Leicester

5 years ago

Dear Heavenly Father, please strengthen our brothers and sisters at this very difficult time. Give them a sense of your loving Presence and bring them through this time of trial. In Jesus Name. Amen

Gail, from Dorset

5 years ago

We grieve for our brothers and sisters in their hour of need. May they know that they are not forgotten. We pray for their safety and for God's love to surround them.


5 years ago

Lord, I thank you for my brothers and sisters in Africa who have such a faith and love for you. I pray that you'd strengthen them at this terrible time as they suffer in your name. We love them.

Simon , from Swansea

5 years ago

Strengthen and comfort your people as they face this persecution and fill them with knowledge of your love for them. May your Holy Spirit empower them to forgive those who hurt them and deliver them from evil. Amen

Toni, from England

5 years ago

MY prayer is for those in Burkina Faso, for peace, wisdom and strength to face the difficult times they are in and an overabundance of God's grace. For the perpetrators of the crimes I pray they come to know Jesus

Anonymous, from Cheshire

5 years ago

May our Lord Jesus Surround you with his love and protection. May Goodness and Peace surround you. May God's Kingdom Come in all areas that are in conflict. Amen


5 years ago

May you feel the Love of God in your suffering and I pray that the Lord's healing will be granted to those who are perpetrating your suffering, that all may be one in Christ. Amen.

Anonymous, from England

5 years ago

God, I pray for those in Burkino Faso, surround them with your love and comfort. Amen


5 years ago

Lord God, We pray Your protection on our Brothers + Sisters in Burkina Faso. Set Your Angels around them, Give them the strength to keep walking with You. May the loved ones of the murdered know they rest in You.

Beryl, from Liverpool

5 years ago

Gracious Lord and Loving Heavenly Father I bring the situation in Burkino Faso before you and ask for your
comfort for the sufferers and salvation for the persecutors . In Jesus's Name Amen.

Janet Price, from Swansea

5 years ago

Father, we pray for all those who have been affected by the attacks in Burkina Faso, that you will comfort & uphold them , & that the perpetrators may know You. In the Mighty Name of Jesus . AMEN

John, from Essex

5 years ago

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