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Prayer tree leaves: Africa

In the next 10 years, more Christians will live in Africa than on any other continent. Demand for the Bible is already unprecedented – and it’s on the rise. Our aim is to reach the poorest, most troubled families, the people who are at war or those who’ve been displaced, and the most marginalised communities. Join us in prayer for this work by adding a prayer leaf.

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I pray for all my brothers and sisters in Africa who are subject to persecution. Lord, please grant them the strength to withstand all attacks on them, in Jesus’ mighty name.

John Hart, from Coleshill

5 years ago

Heavenly Father,
Grant your people the awareness of Your Presence, the power to endure and Your overcoming Love toward their persecutors.
In the name of Jesus.
Thank you,

Martin Lonsdale, from Boston, Lincolnshire, England

5 years ago

Our Sovereign and most powerful God,we pray for YOUR MERCY upon YOUR people in Burkina Faso,shower the survivors with YOUR LOVE and protect them from further persecution, deal justly with those causing harm and pain, in Jesus'Name we pray amen

Rodney and Kim, from Hertfordshire, UK

5 years ago

Dear God, please give all the people who are being persecuted strength to stand strong and united in the face of the enemy. Amen


5 years ago

Lord, be with all Christains who face persecution and terror this day and everyday. Protect them and grant them the peace of knowing they are yours and they belong to you. Amen.

Lindsay Dew, from Hertfordshire, UK

5 years ago

Dear Lord,
I pray for your Word to go out and take root in the hearts and minds of the people in Africa.
May your love and compassion surround Africa.
In Jesus Name


5 years ago

Dear Lord please give comfort, strength and assurance to the family and friends of the victims, that they died with love in their hearts.


5 years ago

Praying for the people of Burkino Faso. God’s comfort and peace.

Deborah Perreau, from Somerset

5 years ago

Gracious and loving God, we hold before you all your children who face persecution because of their faith and witness to you.
Pour out your Holy Spirit upon them to sustain and strengthen them we pray.

Mary, from Humberside

5 years ago

May God protect those who proclaim their faith in him.
May God turn those intent on violence away from those pathways
May God bring peace into their hearts
May God forgive them if they continue to violent
Forgive them Lord, Amen

Richard Eastman, from UK

5 years ago

.....'auto-correct' seems to have modified my quoting of Jesus' words from the Cross: 'for they know not what they do'. No doubt the Holy Spirit knows to interpret aright.

John E., from Wirral

5 years ago

May God make his presence known to you in your suffering, and give that inner peace that none can take away. May he turn the hearts of those who persecute you.

Lisle Ryder

5 years ago

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