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Prayer tree leaves: Africa

In the next 10 years, more Christians will live in Africa than on any other continent. Demand for the Bible is already unprecedented – and it’s on the rise. Our aim is to reach the poorest, most troubled families, the people who are at war or those who’ve been displaced, and the most marginalised communities. Join us in prayer for this work by adding a prayer leaf.

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Dear Father God, whose Son came as the Prince of Peace, we beseech you to pour out that peace on all the places in the world where needless violence brings death and despair. Bring healing and peace, Amen

Sue, from Bristol

5 years ago

Loving Father,
Be close to those who have suffered violence at the hands of others, I pray, and may they know your comfort. Turn the hearts of the attackers to you, Lord, and bring peace in that land. Amen.

Christine , from Hereford

5 years ago

Father bless those who mourn with your comfort and peace. Bless your church with being all you desire as your witness in these turbulent times. Bring heaven to earth. Hallelujah


5 years ago

Heavenly Father,
I pray protection on the people of Bukino Faso as they continue to worship you in the midst of terror.
Fill them with your spirit Lord and comfort them in their need.
In Jesus name, I pray,

Jo B , from UK

5 years ago

Heavenly, compassionate Father, we pray for people who have been affected by the violence of others. We pray for your peace to come to all countries of the world. Protect & sustain all who believe in you. Amen

Pam , from North-west England

5 years ago

Father we ask you be close to our brothers and sisters. Prince of Peace, be near to those facing terror. Let your justice be a balm. Amen.

Catrin, from Wales

5 years ago

Heavenly Father we ask for your mercy on the people in Burkina Faso... show your mighty hand Lord and conquer the evil there with your mighty Love.. Amen

Susan Oldham

5 years ago

Lord - please bring an end to the violence in the world, especially thinking of Burkhino Faso. Amen


5 years ago

Father God, we lift up all these people unto You, grant them Your protection and safety. Comfort all who mourn and draw close to them at this time. Amen


5 years ago

Dear Lord, Please be with those effected by the attacks on churches in Burkina Faso and elsewhere in the world, give them your strength and comfort. Let your peace reign, Lord, in Jesus name, Amen.

Becky, from Bedford

5 years ago

Dear Lord Jesus,
May Your power to heal, save and love cover that area- May Your conviction of people’s need for You be increased across BK. Thank you for hearing our prayers!

Simon Marton, from Bath

5 years ago

Dear Lord
In your mercy hear the prayers of your faithful people in Bukino Faso. Give them courage, discernment and hope in their afflictions and surround them with your love and your angel servants.
In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

Kate Sax, from Dorset

5 years ago

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