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Prayer tree leaves: Africa

In the next 10 years, more Christians will live in Africa than on any other continent. Demand for the Bible is already unprecedented – and it’s on the rise. Our aim is to reach the poorest, most troubled families, the people who are at war or those who’ve been displaced, and the most marginalised communities. Join us in prayer for this work by adding a prayer leaf.

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Father, You are Holy and gracious. As You watch what is happening to your children in Burkhino Fasa and other places of persecution, please fill them with endurance, boldness, courage and come to them with protection. Amen

Anne, from UK

5 years ago

Dduw Dad. Diolch am Gristnogion Burkina Faso. Bydd yn darian o'u cwmpas mewn lle mor dywyll i gadw saethau'r gelyn i ffwrdd. Rho nerth goruwchnaturiol iddyn nhw frwydro mewn heddwch. Yn enw Iesu. Amen

Lleucu, from Cymru

5 years ago

Heavenly Father, we lift up our brothers & sisters in Burkina Faso, and all other places where people are persecuted for their love of you. Help them in Jesus' name, Amen

Don Tocher, from Hampshire, England

5 years ago

Dear Father
We pray for peace especially in those areas affected by persecution for faith. Father please heal the hurt, mend the broken, direct the misguided and comfort the pain
In the name of Christ. Amen x

Karan, from Pytchley

5 years ago

Lord have mercy on my brothers and sisters at this time. May they know your peace, your presence and your power in their circumstances. Lord stem the tide of evil in this land and Your Kingdom Come in Jesus name


5 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray for the people’s of Africa. In particular I pray for Edward and his team in South Sudan. Please would you bless them and make them even more effective for your Kingdom.

Janet, from Nottingham, England

5 years ago

Our father in heaven, we thank you for your son Jesus Christ whom you gave to us as a living hope for africa , we pray for your touch over every life in africa . We pray hope

Christina nyamekyeh , from London

5 years ago

Dear Loving Father In Heaven,
Thank you, Lord, your mercy endureth forever.
Please bless our brothers and sisters those who are in traumatized condition. Raise facilitators to facilitate Your healing Word.
In Jesu Christ Mostly Exalted name, I pray. Amen


5 years ago

Dear Lord, Please help all those in Africa to know your Word and to know your Love. Amen

John, from Stoke-on-Trent

5 years ago

Abba, Father God, YOU are Sovereign Lord, we pray for your mercy and your abounding LOVE to flow generously to everyone in Malawi and a special blessing to the children, to know your provision, in Jesus' precious, saving Name, amen

Rodney and Kim, from Hertfordshire, UK

5 years ago

Earnest and heartfelt prayers for the embattled people of Mozambique who have suffered so much as a result of this cyclone. May God Speed your recovery and the restoration of your lives begin from now

Matthew, from London

5 years ago

Lord, I cry out to You for the dear peoples of Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe right now. Please bring them the help they need and show Your love and care in the midst of suffering. Amen


5 years ago

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