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Prayer tree leaves: Africa

In the next 10 years, more Christians will live in Africa than on any other continent. Demand for the Bible is already unprecedented – and it’s on the rise. Our aim is to reach the poorest, most troubled families, the people who are at war or those who’ve been displaced, and the most marginalised communities. Join us in prayer for this work by adding a prayer leaf.

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Dear Lord, we pray that these Bibles will bless and inspire the children of Malawi, and that they in turn will bring blessings to others. Amen.

Julia and Nick, from Surrey

6 years ago

Lord we pray for Africa that people will have the privilege of hearing and reading Your word and will come to know You please bring peace in troubled areas and to peoples hurting hearts in Jesus precious name amen

Susan & David, from UK

6 years ago

Loving God, all my life I have had access to your word in a copy of the Bible of my own, it is so precious to me. I pray that the children in Africa may blessed in the same way.

Vivien, from Woking, UK

6 years ago

Father God thank you so much for the blessing of Your living word. May this precious book be made available to all those seeking Your truth and desiring to know you personally. You are the God who provides. Amen!

A Akoto, from London

6 years ago

Lord we take our Bibles so much for granted. Bless those who work tirelessly to provide Bibles for those too poor to buy them. May we be as generous as we can in order to help.

Elaine, from Merseyside

6 years ago

Dear Lord God,
I pray for your blessing on the children of Malawi, and other African countries. May they experience your love, comfort and protection upon them and their families. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


6 years ago

Lord, I cannot imagine so many children packed into a small, remorseless room. I pray that they will get to know you and your blessings through the Bible Society team offering a helping hand. Amen.


6 years ago

Please pour your Blessing on the people in Malawi, may they grow to know your love for them!
Not forgetting our Brethren in Zimbabwe !!!!!

Danny Plews, from Wool in Dorset, England

6 years ago

Dear Lord
Please bless the people in Malawi and the Bible Society workers doing great work there


6 years ago

Dear Lord, Please pour your Holy Spirit upon the People of Africa, so that they come to know your love for them, and your peace prevails.
I ask it in Jesus' Name, and for your Glory there.


6 years ago

Heavenly Father, we pray that You Lord, will reveal Yourself to all the nations in Africa that they know Your Son, Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

Anonymous, from Swansea,

6 years ago

Please Heavenly Father let the people of Africa here your truth save Africa in Jesus name I ask 🙏


6 years ago

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