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Prayer tree leaves: Africa

In the next 10 years, more Christians will live in Africa than on any other continent. Demand for the Bible is already unprecedented – and it’s on the rise. Our aim is to reach the poorest, most troubled families, the people who are at war or those who’ve been displaced, and the most marginalised communities. Join us in prayer for this work by adding a prayer leaf.

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Lord open the way for Your word to be heard in places where obstruction blocks. "Protect, bless, guide and uphold "Your people as they pursue the spread of the gospel. (* copyright of my invented prayer by Marilyn Andrews)

Marilyn Younger, from dorset

6 years ago

For the Lord’s strength and power to be within communities in Africa to make the Bible accessible to all


6 years ago

Lord, we lift to You Your precious children in Algeria. We pray that You will strengthen and protect them in their time of such threat by non christian authorities. We pray for these unbelievers, that YOU draw their hearts. Amen

Tony Jordan, from Southampton

6 years ago

Father help all concerned to be inventive and imaginative in finding ways to get bibles or the bible message to the most needed communities in Africa. You are always there to guide us. We pray in Jesus name.

Pat, from SOMPTING England

6 years ago

Lord protect and nurture the Christian faith of those who are in fear. Give them joy and hope this Easter. Soften the hearts of those who would persecute them. Amen


6 years ago

Father I pray that you will protect my brothers and sisters and help them to stand strong in their faith during this time of adversity. I pray against their enemies I pray that your blood will protect them. Amen

Cathy, from UK Wirral

6 years ago

That Christians in areas dominated by another religion, may be free to live the Bible without persecution from government or others, just as other religions are free to live their faith in my so-called Christian country.

Richard Scott, from Essex

6 years ago

We have it so easy here, I am praying that you will be able to hold onto your faith in these difficult times. May the authorities have a change of heart Lord. Keep these people safe.

Ruth, from Leicester, United Kingdom

6 years ago

Father I pray for your children in Algeria. Protect them, strengthen them and comfort them.

Janet, from Nottingham

6 years ago

Jesus guide and hold and keep your children in Africa


6 years ago

Lord, defend and protect your Church. May your people flourish in all they do.

Margaret Campbell, from Texas

6 years ago

God bless Africa

John, from Merseyside

6 years ago

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