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Prayer tree leaves: Africa

In the next 10 years, more Christians will live in Africa than on any other continent. Demand for the Bible is already unprecedented – and it’s on the rise. Our aim is to reach the poorest, most troubled families, the people who are at war or those who’ve been displaced, and the most marginalised communities. Join us in prayer for this work by adding a prayer leaf.

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We pray that you will forgive the people for there evil deeds.

Raymond Kingan, from Caxton

6 years ago

Loving God i pray that somehow your word will get to the whole of Africa and that there will be freedom to proclaim it.Amen

Margaret, from Devon

6 years ago

Heavenly Father, I beg you to look down in mercy upon the benighted folks of the Central African Republic & thank you for enabling the women to be literate, and for the Bibles in their hands. Blessings to all.

Patrizia Paul, from N. Wales

6 years ago

God bless everything that you do

Maria, from Wales United Kingdom

7 years ago

Dear God, your word is our lamp and a light in the darkness. Your word is like life giving water from a clear spring entering a dry barren land. May your word keep us full, in Jesus name.


7 years ago

Lord I praise you because your grace is sufficient for any and every situation. Thank you that there is a genuine desire in Africa for people to know, thank you for those who are answering the call keep them safe.

Sarah, from UK

7 years ago

Father - may you open up your word by your Holy Spirit that readers will cone to know truth and that truth will set them free

Jean, from Lancashire

7 years ago

Lord, please make the little we give go a long way. As Your word goes out to people in Africa, may it bring forth an abundant harvest in people's lives. In Jesus' name. Amen.


7 years ago

Heavenly Father, thank you for Your steadfast love towards us. May Your love be shed abroad in the hearts of those in Africa and your Word be brought alive in their lives. Amen

Elizabeth, from London

7 years ago

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you that you are the God of all mercies in heaven and on earth. I lift up all the peoples in South Sudan that they will find and come to know you as Saviour their life. AMEN

martyn, from england

7 years ago

Gracious God, Protect your children in South Sudan. Give them your peace in the middle of their worn-torn, chaotic lives. Raise up strong, Godly leaders to model your ways and to help lead their country to peace.

Sara, from Wisconsin

7 years ago

Dear Lord Jesus,
I know you as The Almighty.
I lift up to you all those wonderful friends we made in Ghana.
Please hold them in your loving hands and protect them as only you can.
I ask this in your Holy name. Amen.

Diane, from Liverpool. UK

7 years ago

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Join us in praying that the Bible would be brought to life in the toughest places in Africa.

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