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Prayer tree leaves: Africa

In the next 10 years, more Christians will live in Africa than on any other continent. Demand for the Bible is already unprecedented – and it’s on the rise. Our aim is to reach the poorest, most troubled families, the people who are at war or those who’ve been displaced, and the most marginalised communities. Join us in prayer for this work by adding a prayer leaf.

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Dear Lord, I pray that your Word may be brought to all those suffering from poverty. May they know your great love and provision. Amen.

Dorothy, from UK

7 years ago

Lord I pray for the work of Care for Uganda, giving a hand up to some of the poorest communities in this wonderful land. Please multiply their presence to make a huge difference in your name, by your power. Amen


7 years ago

Lord guide the government of Zimbabwe in justice peace and true Godly democracy. Amen

Anon, from Wales

7 years ago

Father, I lift up to you the beautiful people of Swaziland - especially all the orphans. I know they are close to your heart; please show them abundant love, grace and hope through your word.


7 years ago

Lord we pray for your protection over the vulnerable children of Swaziland. Build up guardians to teach, love and comfort those in need, in Jesus name. Amen


7 years ago

Lord, I pray for the Church in Algeria and the work of Ali Khidri and his colleagues. I pray that the Church there will continue to grow and change the lives of the community. In Jesus' name Amen.

Nigel, from Oxfordshire

7 years ago

Dear Almighty Father May This Precious Word be with all the people in this earth. Thank you for doing. In JESUS CHRIST Name Amen

ReginaMary Johnpaul, from Ireland

7 years ago

Almighty and Loving God, I give thanks for the Bible Society's ongoing work in Swaziland, and in Jesus' name pray Your blessing on all they do there, as well as blessing and protection for each child and adult who responds.

Sue, from Devon, UK

7 years ago

Lord, I pray for your blessing on the children in Africa. May they learn of your love for them, in Jesus name. Amen

A, from UK

7 years ago

Dear Lord
May Your Word reach everyone and may they find peace, joy and hope in their lives and love you.

Stephanie, from UK

7 years ago

Dear Lord we pray for your Divine protection around Edward in South Sudan. He is in our prayers always.

M , from UK

7 years ago

Lord thank you so much for Edward in South Sudan. He shares a name with my old teddy bear so I remember him often! I am also struck by his dedication so please bless him and keep him safe. Amen.

Fiona, from Surrey

7 years ago

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Join us in praying that the Bible would be brought to life in the toughest places in Africa.

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