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Prayer tree leaves: Africa

In the next 10 years, more Christians will live in Africa than on any other continent. Demand for the Bible is already unprecedented – and it’s on the rise. Our aim is to reach the poorest, most troubled families, the people who are at war or those who’ve been displaced, and the most marginalised communities. Join us in prayer for this work by adding a prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

I pray that being able to read the Bible will enrich the lives of those who are given this opportunity. Wishing you the blessings of Christmas.

Robert Stankiste, from Scarborough

2 years ago

Dear Father God, your WORD is a lamp shining on our Christian pathway. May it illuminate the life of many seeking souls in Africa.

Stephen Curnow

2 years ago

Father be with those people of Africa in areas where there is civil war. Help the children
receive care and security . Supply warm clothing, medical provisions and water and food. In faith, hope and love. Amen


2 years ago

How precious is your word Lord, in the western world we are privileged to be able own a bible so easily, thank you bible society for your work in helping people world wide to also own their bible


2 years ago

Heavenly Father, thank you for the previlege of being able to give one or more children your precious Word, may it sustain them throughout their lives and may you bless them as they read your wonderful Word!


2 years ago

Father help African countries with civil war to put up with. Supply them with Bibles so that they may read the word of our Lord which will bring them comfort by spreading the Christmas message of peace. Amen


2 years ago

Please Lord, help children in Togo to learn to read through reading your glorious Good News. Thank you. In Jesus's Name.


2 years ago

O God our Father , we offer a little and pray your hand upon it to enlarge and make it great to those who read. We depend on your promise that your word will accomplish what you sent it.

BB, from NI

2 years ago

Continue to experience of transforming power of God's word through;
1. More decisions for Christ through Bible distribution and use
2. Good leadership at all levels
3. Love and care for humanity and environment
4. Hard work, innovation and creativity of Christians. Youth outreaches.

Justus, from Kampala

2 years ago

Father be with African countries who are facing horrendous civil war. Look after the women and children who always suffer the most in these circumstances. In the name of God stop the fighting. I pray for peace. Amen


2 years ago

Father provide all the innocent people in African countries where they need schooling, medicines, homes, clothing, food supplies and Bibles in order to understand the truth and the way to go and how to behave and love this world. Amen


2 years ago

God the father i place all the needy children unto your comforting and gracious arms i pray that you may see them through their worst times and show them that you are the ultimate provider and comforter.Amen

Elkie, from Africa

2 years ago

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Join us in praying that the Bible would be brought to life in the toughest places in Africa.

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