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Prayer tree leaves: Africa

In the next 10 years, more Christians will live in Africa than on any other continent. Demand for the Bible is already unprecedented – and it’s on the rise. Our aim is to reach the poorest, most troubled families, the people who are at war or those who’ve been displaced, and the most marginalised communities. Join us in prayer for this work by adding a prayer leaf.

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LORD, by Your Holy Spirit fill the great desire for Your Name to be known and glorified on the continent of Africa and throughout the whole world as the Light and Love that we so desperately need. Amen.

Marcia, from West Yorkshire

2 years ago

Lord I am praying for Gambia for all those on my home prayer tree and others I know lord make yourself known to them keep them safe

Liz, from Uk

2 years ago

Father I pray for Africa to be comforted by the word of our Lord through the Bible. Please supply people with Bibles. Supply people also with food, medicines, water, homes, shelter, faith, hope and love. Amen


2 years ago

I pray for African people who are needing support as they suffer famine, flooding, disease and lack of clothes, comfort, homes, schooling, food. Inspire them with faith, hope, love and the provision of Bibles so they know the Lord. Amen


2 years ago

Dear Lord, You, are needed here to rid the belief in witchcraft and the accusation of innocent people as witches. Please help the people to learn about health, hygiene and diseases. May they believe in you. In Jesus Christ name.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

Father bless and protect the people of Africa wherever there is gloom or depression or need I pray Amen


2 years ago

Father I pray that all the difficulties that Africa faces may be resolved. May they receive food, shelter, water, medicines in abundance in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour I pray. Amen


2 years ago

Father give hope to the African people. Make sure they have food, medical aid, schools, clothing, water and have comfortable homes to live in. May the ground yield food and may the animals produce milk for nourishment. Amen


2 years ago

Father look to the people of Africa and help them in their plight. Supply them with food, clothing, housing, medical needs and water. May they be supplied with Bibles which they can read and find comfort. Amen


2 years ago

Father look to Africa who need encouragement at this time of great need. Send them food, housing, medical supplies, clothing and support them with Bibles so that they might read the word of our Lord and be comforted. Amen


2 years ago

Father God look after the people of Africa as they struggle with famine, and need to find shelter and medical help as soon as possible. God help the children and families who are desperate right now. Amen


2 years ago

Father I pray for Africa that they can have food, comforts, homes, water, medical supplies. I pray that they may receive Bibles in order to know that the presence of our Lord is in their midst. Amen.


2 years ago

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