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Prayer tree leaves: China

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Father God I thank you for the many people who have come to believe on your son Jesus Christ for their salvation, let them know your love an give them strength in adversity in Jesus name Amen

Janis, from North West England

11 months ago

Lord, please encourage our brothers & sisters in Christ in China, help them to remain standing firm & strong in their faith, protect them & keep them safe & provide for their every need. in Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Karen, from Greater London

1 year ago

The same Spirit that riased Christ from the dead will be released upon your believing hearts. Eph 3:21 God will do more than you could ever think or imagine. He is your rear guard and will never leave you. AMEN.

Anne, from Devon England

1 year ago

Heavenly Father, keep them safe in your word and promises. Thank you. Amen.

jo, from US

1 year ago

I pray Father God, that everyone in that big country, China, hears the gospel of salvation through repentance and faith in Jesus, as their Saviour, and receives a Bible. In Jesus' holy name, Amen !

David, from UK

1 year ago

Lord we pray that you supply all the needs of the Chinese pastors and grow your church to be like you. Strengthen their faith ever living Teacher. Save them from error.Build your church lord. Thank You JESUS amen

Kate, from London uk

1 year ago

Heavenly Father, I pray for the Universe. May the use of outer space for potential dishonest gain flounder as China is determined to pursue Taiwan and the West. May they learn from their own people to love and not hate.

Kathryn, from Manchester

1 year ago

Loving God, why must it be, this hope and desire for a peaceful and loving world is such a hard task. If only, those desiring power, materialistic riches, masses of money, would turn away from greed and greet you instead.

Kathryn, from Manchester

1 year ago

Lord Jesus Christ , I render Chinese into your hands , may You manifest in their lives so that they can know that you' re Mighty.


1 year ago

Lord, we praise you for your wonderful faithfulness to the Chinese people, that through all the years of political repression, nothing was able to stop the church growing amazingly. May the Christians' faithful, brave witness continue to bear much fruit.

Kathy, from Northumberland

1 year ago

Heavenly Father. thank you that you are awakening hearts in China. Thankyou you are showing them you love them with a everlasting love you have a purpose in their lives.May your kingdom come your will be done over them.

Dawn , from West Midlands

1 year ago

Dear Lord, please open the eyes and the hearts of those wishing to dominate other countries. Help them to see how much greater is your love and power, and to be content with you. In the name of Jesus Christ.

Kathryn, from Manchester

1 year ago

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