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Prayer tree leaves: China

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Dear eternal Father of an unshakeable kingdom, we bring before you our brothers and sisters in China, I pray you will uphold them with your right hand and place your word, in their language, in their hands for Jesus sake.

Florence , from N. Ireland

2 years ago

Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for overseeing China. Let there be spiritual revival everywhere in China, more people receiving you as their Savior and Lord, new believers be well supported and continue to grow to be disciple makers.

Emily Wang, from Australia

2 years ago

Heavenly Father, it was your Will through your Son the Lord Jesus to spread the news about your coming Kingdom, we pray for this to be done according to thy good Will!


2 years ago

Wonderous and True God, may Chinese officials realise that Tiawan is a State in its own right and likes being so. Please help China to recognise that it would be wrong to try to invade. In Christ our Lord.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

Dear Lord thank you for the new brothers and sisters I have in China. Please protect them and encourage them as they seek to follow you. Help them to know how much you love them.

Norma, from Scotland

2 years ago

May God bless, sustain, equip and resource you and may you know the welcome and feel the love and
strength of God's people at this time. May God richly bless you in the name of Jesus!

Maggie , from Cliffsend

2 years ago

O Most Holy God, protect and provide for Your saints under persecution for faithfully proclaiming Your WORD of Light and Love to a dark, blind, sin-sick world. Make our prayers cover them with Your glory though Jesus Christ. Amen.

Marcia, from West Yorkshire

2 years ago

Praise the Lord for the work of the Holy Spirit among his sons and daughters in China. I pray for the persecuted Church - if God is for us who then can be against us! ❤️✝️

Gill, from Wiltshire

2 years ago

That faithful believers may be trained as pastors to their nearby new believers.


2 years ago

Thank You God for the good news of forgiveness and freedom through Your Son Jesus Christ; bless your people around the world to learn & to share the good news with love and with boldness AMEN

MayLeng Chong, from Northamptonshire

2 years ago

Father, thank you for our brethren in China. May they grow in strength, faith, and favor with you.
Fill them with your peace in all circumstances. Provide them with all they need daily. Send more workers to your field. Amen

Patti , from Bristol

2 years ago

I pray for the pastors and teachers in China. Fill them with your spirit, give them discernment, knowledge and wisdom as they share your good news. Encourage and protect them and their families.

Megan, from Swansea

2 years ago

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