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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Lord, bring your peace to a world filled with conflict. Please stir the hearts of those in power to seek a peaceful end to all war, but especially in Syria and Yemen. May your peace reign. Amen

Nic, from Cambridgeshire

6 years ago

Dear God, I pray for a world full of peace, your world. May wars cease and friendships be rebuilt. Guide us in striving for peace. Amen

Carole, from Leicestershire

6 years ago

I pray for peace on our nation particularly now with the vote on brexit. I pray for wisdom for our leaders and for right to be done. I pray for your hand on the situation. In Jesus name amen.

Sandy, from Salisbury

6 years ago

Heavenly Father, at this time of uncertainty in our country, across Europe and in the war torn places in our world, I ask for peace. The peace that only you can give. Amen

Linda R, from County Durham

6 years ago

Please pray for all who work for peace and reconciliation in places of conflict around the world.


6 years ago

Dear Lord
Right now I pray for peace in OUR country amid all the political turmoil over Brexit.


6 years ago

Lord, please bring peace into the hearts of every individual so they may know your true and lasting peace. Calm our anxieties, fears and compulsions amongst the tumour of our Earthly lives. Set in us hope for the future.


6 years ago


I pray that you bring peace to the souls that are restless and weary and you remind them that you are Prince of Peace.

In Jesus Name,



6 years ago

Prince of Peace, I pray that Your peace will overcome the violence within and between individuals, and within and between nations and peoples. Thank you for the peacemakers: bless them and strengthen them with Your Spirit.

Cheryl Thornett, from Birmingham

6 years ago

Don’t let us rush so quickly into peace that we fail to learn from the chaos. We want more than a temporary cease-fire of our own making. We want true peace, lasting peace.
Your peace.


6 years ago

Heavenly Father, I pray that you will bring Your healing peace to everywhere there is conflict in the world and also within the government of our country. Amen


6 years ago

Dear Lord.
I pray for peace across the world in all the wars and conflicts.
I pray for peace in our everyday, busy lives.

Theresa, from Weston super Mare

6 years ago

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