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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Peace to the world!


6 years ago

Loving Father, Thank you for your gift of peace. Help us be peace makers in your troubled world. Show us what to do to bring peace in situations we know about. Amen

Jean, from Somerset

6 years ago

Loving Father
As the world around us seems so unsettled and full of unknowns help us to look to the Rock who never changes. I pray for your peace and wisdom for all decision makers today


6 years ago

Lord, I bring before you all who are bereaved at this time of year. Grant them your peace. Amen.

Julia , from Torquay

6 years ago

Loving Yeshua, you are our Sar Shalom, Prince of Peace, may those who know you and love you be enabled to share Your peace with everyone they come into contact with today, especially in countries where there is turmoil.


6 years ago

I pray that those who struggle at this time of year find help, support and peace. I send my love and pray God sends his to those in need.

Kerry, from Scotland

6 years ago

I pray peace to our nation today. Bless Teresa May and our government with wisdom and peace.


6 years ago

Bring your peace to troubled families this Christmas


6 years ago

We pray for peace across our nation at this time of disagreement and pray that discord will be turned to harmony between all people of the UK. We also pray for peace in our household this Christmas time. Amen!

Sampson Family, from Torquay, Devon

6 years ago

Dear Lord
We as a nation pray for peace, May our leaders think of the whole country and what’s best for us all, we pray they see sence and make the right decisions for us all.
Lord Hear our prayer

Cindy, from Cheshire

6 years ago

Dear lord God, I pray for peace in our government, that the conflicts of the politicians be settled, and bring harmony and unity to our country, and also in my family unit. In Jesus's name Amen.

Tracey, from Devon

6 years ago

Lord, I pray that all will find peace (shalom) with themselves and the world. That they will feel whole, complete and accept themselves for who they are; amazing people and children of God. Amen

Emma , from Barnsley

6 years ago

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