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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

For all people who live under the threat of war, I pray that peace will be the option the politicians use not threats. Amen

Carol, from Bristol

6 years ago

Dear Heavenly Father
I pray for peace, grace, reconciliation, a positive outcome for all involved and love during the Brexit negotiations


Karan, from Kettering

6 years ago

Dear Father
I pray for peace in the world. I pray for peace in people's hearts to look after others and our world.


6 years ago

Dear Lord, please bring peace to the hearts of people all over the world. Help us to work together to make the world a better place for everyone not just the few.
In your name we pray.

Anonymous, from Hull

6 years ago

I pray for peace in your church where it hurts through disagreement and fracture. May your body on earth be whole and united in bringing your love to the world.


6 years ago

Lord I pray that peace will be on the earth 🌍


6 years ago

Lord, thank you for the wonderful peace you can bring to any situation. May we be channels of your peace today.


6 years ago

Father, bring peace in troubled hearts, who struggle with mental health. Help us to take your peace everywhere we go amen

Jan, from Northants

6 years ago

I pray for peace in Syria and Iraq, and for the safe return of refugees to their homes. For restoration of broken lives and broken communities.

Hans, from Holland

6 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray for peace in our world. May nations live side by side in harmony. Remove the hatred people carry in their hearts and replace it with a love for their neighbour. Amen

Carole, from Devon

6 years ago

I pray for peace for all those living with bereavement, it can be so painful especially as we approach Christmas without our loved ones, please spread a sense of peace to all those affected, amen.


6 years ago

Bless those who are tirelessly working for peace globally and help us to do our small part in our own communities


6 years ago

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