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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Dear Father ease tensions between the nation's, give leaders a desire for the common good, help us to be tolerant and peaceful people. Amen

Carolynne , from Northamptonshire

6 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray that your peace will be felt in the hearts of all, especially that young people learn of your ways and aim to be kind and considerate to others instead of confrontational and aggressive.


6 years ago

Father, Emmanuel: we pray for your wisdom and peace as we look at our muddled world. Stir up your people to show your light that The Truth will be known and broken hearts and lives are mended in perfect love

Jude, from Cornwall

6 years ago

Praying for peace in parliament, that tensions would subside and as peace comes that the different sides could come together for the greater good

Justin, from Suffolk

6 years ago

Dear Lord open the eyes and ears of those who rule so they may realise that peace is achievable across the world

Julia, from Oxford

6 years ago

Father God unite this nation. We pay for our leaders. May they care for the people not themselves. Give them courage. Amen

Paul Gray, from Oxfordshire

6 years ago

May everyone find peace at this blessed time and go forward in love and peace


6 years ago

Heavenly Father I pray that you would pour peace onto your kingdom, particularly im countries where there is conflict and unrest. Amen.

Anne Gosling, from Doncaster

6 years ago

Father of all; I pray to you that my precious 3 month old son Isaac will grow up in a world of peace, and have peace in his heart, soul and mind.

Charlotte, from Derbyshire

6 years ago

I pray for peace of mind for everyone who is stressed and worried at this time of year.


6 years ago

As we face the darkness of this world, we pray for the light of Christ to bring peace and hope in our hearts. Replace our fear with love. May our lives reflect the glory of the new-born Christ this Christmas-tide.


6 years ago

Lord, we pray for the love of Christ to be shown in our nation at this time

Alison, from Dumfries

6 years ago

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