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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Compassionate God and Father of all, hold back the hands that kill and maim; turn around the hearts that hate. Grant instead your strong spirit of peace - peace that passes our understanding but changes lives.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord,


6 years ago

Lord, in this time of celebration, don’t let us forget those who live in fear for all sorts of reasons. Lord we pray for peace for all people, and that your love will surround us all. In the name


6 years ago

We pray for peace in a divided and war-torn world. We remember what happened last night in France; the international negotiations of our politicians; and those displaced from their homes as a result of war and persecution. Bring them peace.


6 years ago

Dear Lord, as we move nearer to Christmas and the birth of our Saviour let us pray for Peace and Love throughout the world and may the message of Christmas continue to spread Amen.

Mary, from Bolton

6 years ago

I pray for peace in the hearts of those who are troubled and for peace in those places where there is none, especially the Middle East


6 years ago

Lord God, I pray that today and always that your peace would surround those in leadership, our friends, our family and ourselves. I pray that we would focus on you - our Prince of Peace.


6 years ago

Father God, at this time when our country is angry and confused about the future, help us to reflect on the hope that your Son brought to us all at this most wonderful time of Christmas.


6 years ago

I pray for peace for children and young people who struggle with our school system. Give wisdom to their teachers and may they reach out & find the support they need. Amen

Jenny, from Preston

6 years ago

Lord God, I pray this Christmas is not about the presents, tv or food but your love you gave us, through your Son Christ Jesus, that your people will know you are a God of love.

Dave , from Wick, Littlehampton

6 years ago

Dear Father God, As we draw near to the perfect peace of the stable, grant us peace in our lives. Give us strength and wisdom to maintain and share your peace within our daily lives. Amen

Ruth, from Carstairs Junction Lanark

6 years ago

Lord God of peace, we pray for the nations of the world where there is no peace, where people are hurting, your world is being damaged by weapons of war. Bring peace. Amen

Liz, from Stockport

6 years ago

Father God,
In the busyness...
In the hurt and in the pain...
In the fighting, physical and mental .....
In the loneliness....
....bring peace beyond understanding.

Sally Ann, from Derby

6 years ago

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