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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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I pray that the peace of Jesus the saviour and Prince of Peace will come to our troubled lives and world. Amen


6 years ago

Bring peace and reconciliation, dear Lord, to Syria, and comfort to the people without sufficient warmth and shelter

Jo, from Bury St Edmunds

6 years ago

I pray for peace, here in the UK as European discussions continue, and peace over the world


6 years ago

Prince of Peace, come, heal our world torn by violence and conflict. Inspire our leaders to work with integrity for justice. Help us to put our neighbours before ourselves and so heal the divisions within our country.

Ruth, from Devon

6 years ago

To God please make the war in Syria stop because I saw nativity rocks and it upset me that the boy got separated from his dad and that I get better at history


6 years ago

Let the Prince of Peace rule in hearts and minds in the turbulence of Brexit

Helen, from Devon

6 years ago

Let those in power find peace in their hearts and everyone show love and kindness in their actions.


6 years ago

May Gods peace be known by those who are terminally ill.


6 years ago

Dear Father, thank you for sending us your son Jesus. I pray that you among all the business of Christmas preparations and whatever our personal circumstances we shall all find time to be still with you and feel your peace.

Sharon, from Cambridge

6 years ago

Father God, our country here is in a mess with a torn and divided Parliament. We need your intervention to bring people back together, to find a unity. Bring your peace to this country, Lord Jesus. Amen

Carol, from Reading

6 years ago

Lord we struggle on earth with hatred, greed, and bitterness causing wars and hurt to our fellow beings. Help us to promote love to all we meet and stop the hurt we afflict on others. Amen

Ann, from Buxton

6 years ago

Father God, who is Sovereign over all things, I pray for peace amongst our countries politicians, as they make decisions about Brexit. I pray that you will give them wisdom to make good decisions for our country. Amen.


6 years ago

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