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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Lord we pray for peace where there is hatred and war; for caring and sharing of our resources; for the love of our creation. May the peace of the Christ child reign this day and for ever more. Amen.

Lynda, from Sudbury

6 years ago

Loving Father,
We ask for your peace in those places where it seems most unlikely.
Bring your peace that defies understanding to the hearts and minds of those who despair today.

Meryl, from Kempsey

6 years ago

Heavenly Father, I pray that you will soon send your son back to the earth to bring peace and righteousness to this troubled world, to heal the broken hearted and to restore the earth to its former glory.

Mary , from Dorset

6 years ago

Lord God,
I lift to you all living with conflict either at home, work, school or community. Surround them with YOUR peace I pray. In Jesus’ name, Amen


6 years ago

I pray that people in discomfort will have comfort. Amen

Anna, from Sheffield

6 years ago

Dear Father, please pray for all those who are in turmoil, may they find peace and calm resolution with your help


6 years ago

Heavenly Father there are so many things that rob my life of your peace. Help me to better understand and claim your promised peace so that I may be a peacemaker in your world.

Alan, from Hartlepool

6 years ago

I pray for peace in the world wI think people trying to help and build each other up rather than being judgemental and critical.


6 years ago

Lord, please help those seeking for peace and famine relief in the Yemen. May your power change hearts and minds to find a solution. Amen

Rachel , from Cheltenham

6 years ago

In these worried and uncertain times I pray that those leading us listen to the calm voice of reason, that instead of hate we can embrace all people regardless of nation or faith.

Jo, from Cambridgeshire

6 years ago

Praying for peace between families freshly broken by divorce.


6 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray that you will bring peace to all countries afflicted by war. I pray for all people who are now displaced that they may find love & compassion and soon be reunited in their own country. Amen

Ann, from Cambridge

6 years ago

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