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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Please can we make the world a better place by being kind to each other. Helping others when they are sad. Feeding the hungry and supporting charities. Sharing Jesus’s love with others, Amen

JAZZ, from Kent

6 years ago

Dear Lord, let your peace fill the country this Christmas, to bring unity and understanding, and to glorify your name.


6 years ago

Wonderful counsellor.
So many of us feel the joy an excitement of this magical time; the love, the warmth and the kindness. But for those who’s loves have been impacted by war, hold them in your loving arms

Anonymous, from Lichfield

6 years ago

I pray that my husband and his father can reconcile their past differences and show love for each other once again. Let my husband know the peace of the lord as he forgives his father the things he has done


6 years ago

I pray for peace in the world, in my own home and within my family and circle of friends. Grant us Peace, O Lord. Amen.


6 years ago

Dear God
I pray for a more loving, peaceful world. Please help to heal rifts between people and countries. Bring those in persecution into your light.

Hannah, from Walsall

6 years ago

I pray that people will find Jesus the peacemaker this Christmas.

Myles, from Wiltshire

6 years ago

Lord, we beseech you to open the hearts of all , who seek power and control for themselves. Let them see that only your ways are the ways of truth and light.
Bring peace to the oppressed. Amen


6 years ago

Father Lord, I pray for peace within homes and communities. I pray that people will spend time to look inside themselves and around them to witness the positive effects of a peaceful world. Amen


6 years ago

I pray that people would open their hearts to Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace the only lasting source of inner peace and that through this not only their lives but the world would be changed for the better. Amen


6 years ago

We ask for your blessings on all peace makers,
Guide all in authority to make right decisions, that bring communities together to live under your reign in peace and harmony


6 years ago

Lord I pray for your peace to come all over the world and in every human heart this Christmas. I pray for people to encounter Jesus and to commit their lives to Him. I pray that your kingdom will come

Jane, from London

6 years ago

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