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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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I pray for Open the Book and that more schools will be willing to welcome this project and that more children and adults will find a relationship with Jesus through this initiative.


6 years ago

Lord I pray for peace throughout the world and for peace in everyone's hearts


6 years ago

Father God, help us all to strive for peace is this turbulent world so that there is more understanding between individuals and nations. In Jesus' name. Amen


6 years ago

Dear Lord we pray your extraordinary peace will reign in our world with the end of all war, conflict and violence that destroys so many lives. Amen

Marie Powell, from Lancaster

6 years ago

Lord I ask for your peace, your shalom of completeness and wholeness for myself, for those around me, indeed for the whole of creation. The miracle of peace is yours to give and I claim it today. Amen.

Sharon, from East Midlands UK

6 years ago

Lord, your plans are only ever for good. Help us to trust you, to listen for your voice, to be your hands and voice to bring your love, joy, shalom in our families, communities and world.


6 years ago

I pray for those caught up in war and conflict. Protect them, give them hope and guide the actions of the warring powers.


6 years ago

Father, I pray for your peace to fall over France today. I pray that you would be helping the politicians to be peacemakers in the gilet Jaune unrest. Amen


6 years ago

Lord, I pray for a spirit of peace among the leaders of the UK and the EU. Please let everyone put aside self interest and act in the interests of the people to bring a peaceful Christmas time. Amen


6 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray that your peace will be with ALL who are causing the strife, the anger and the greed in this world. I pray that your peace will be with all affected by it. In Jesus name


6 years ago

May peace fill this earth and touch every heart this Christmas.


6 years ago

Dear God, please take care of those who are ill this Christmastime, and bring peace and rest to them and their families and carers. Amen x

Laura , from North Yorkshire

6 years ago

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