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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Heavenly Father, please give wisdom and understanding to all our politicians and help them always to put the common good before their own status and position.

Christine , from Bristol

6 years ago

Please bless Rebecca Pow and enable her to work for the good of her constituents and of the country.


6 years ago

Lord God, we pray for our politicians this week who must make decisions which will make an impact on our country for many years. We pray for them and their families at a time of great stress.

Anonymous, from Stafford

6 years ago

Heavenly Father
Be with all those in leadership in France and guide them to make wise choices for their country. Give them the wisdom, strength and courage to deal sensitively and fairly with those who feel the need to protest.

Anonymous, from Devon, UK

6 years ago

Lord father
I prayer for the UK politicians that they are calm and reminded of your steadfast love during these next few months of difficult decisions around brexit


6 years ago

Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray for U.K. government as they make decisions for the people. May they be mindful of honour for You, as well as doing what is best for those they represent and serve.


6 years ago

Gracious Lord, please make steadfast our MPs as they discuss the future of the UK; that decisions made are for the common good and not political point-scoring. Amen

Anonymous, from North-west England

6 years ago

I pray for my local MP, Fiona Bruce, that she stays strong in her faith and beliefs for another year of serving our community,

Elizabeth, from Cheshire

6 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray for the uk government to make the right and best decisions for our country, that they think about the future of the people the changes will make, and the damage made if those decisions are wrong.


6 years ago

Loving supportive God, we pray for all political leaders; that they are guided by your will to ensure the decision they make are not just political expediency to save their own jobs, but seek justice and fairness for all.


6 years ago

God our Father, You created us in Your image and You love us. We thank You for the gift of life through Christ our saviour the word.
In His precious name may Your word guide and lead us to Yourself. Amen

Anonymous, from Hackney, London

6 years ago

I pray today for all our leaders especially at this difficult week for Theresa May. Help them make the right decisions & have the strength to fight. Amen

Donna, from Radcliffe, Manchester

6 years ago

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