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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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I pray for all our politicians at this crucial time that God will give them wisdom in decision making and show them His heart for our country. I pray they will put themselves last and the vulnerable first.

Ruth, from Essex

6 years ago

Lord hold in your love all those who are broken and struggling at this time

TLW, from Kent

6 years ago

May we be touched by the grace and dignity of President Bush’s funerals to again honor others, our country, and Christ through service, and may unbelievers come to faith through this public gesture of abiding faith and family love. Amen

Yvonne, from USA

6 years ago

I pray for Theresa May, for wisdom, courage and clarity at this troubling time for the future if our country, and for personal stamina and peace. I pray for our politicians to grow in willingness to work together constructively.

Jenny, from Warwickshire

6 years ago

For Theresa May, who is under constant scrutiny, criticism and pressure. Give her the courage of her convictions to lead our country, using the skills you have blessed her with. And may she know a peaceful family Christmas. Amen.

Jenny, from Hampshire

6 years ago

I pray for our M P Seema Kennedy that God will be with her and lead her

Mary , from Penwortham

6 years ago

prayer for Teresa May , she is experiencing a tremendous amount of pressure, may God be with her , I know her to be a good woman . God bless her.

David Haslam, from Lyndhurst

6 years ago

For Theresa May who faces constant criticism. Help her and those negotiating to not loose heart amongst the haters as they carry out the task given to them.

Edward, from Trimdon

6 years ago

I pray for Teresa May as she negotiates brexit. It seems difficult for her and she gets lots of criticism but I pray that through it she would grow close to you. Amen!


6 years ago

Dear Lord, grant wisdom to those who represent us in parliament and guide them in all their work. Amen.


6 years ago

Dear Lord, give wisdom and strenght to my president to face all challenges of our country so he doesnt fall into temptation. I also pray for leaders of my church. Let them see the fruit of their work. Amen.


6 years ago

Dear God, We thank you that there are people who are willing to stand up for what they believe. Give them strength and wisdom at this time.


6 years ago

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