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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Dear Father God, please be with all the MPs as they work out the best way forward for us all. Let your will be done, give guidance and words when needed,and thank them for their service. Amen.

Clare , from Yeovil

6 years ago

Lord, please grant wisdom to our politicians at this difficult and devisive time.


6 years ago

I pray for all our politicians in Great Britain to work through their differences for the good of the people they serve.

Julie , from Dunstable

6 years ago

Lord, please bless and guide those who govern our country. Help them to see beyond factions and point-scoring and give them the vision to unite to work for the good of our nation and our world. Amen


6 years ago

Thank you Lord for healing my mum please keep her in good health in body and mind. Please look after my family,friends and carers keep them and their families well and healthy.
Thank you


6 years ago

Please look after Leaders of the world let help them all to bring peace to their countries. Look after the pope help him to guide the church for good and your will


6 years ago

Give continued wisdom and strength to my MP, John, who finds time to take up local concerns as well as those of national importance

Andy, from Essex

6 years ago

Bless Theresa and guide her through the coming months. Let her feel your hand in hers when she needs it most.


6 years ago

Lord please strengthen those MPs who are trying to navigate the current mess with integrity. Please lift the goggles of self. Interest and stir hearts to the needs of the country.

Morag, from Cheltenham

6 years ago

Father, I pray that political leaders will demonstrate and encourage relationships of love between people from different communities this Christmas. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Jane, from London

6 years ago

Father, I pray that the leaders of the world will open up their hearts to your message of love and they will act in response. I ask this in the name of your Son Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

Carolyn, from Ludlow

6 years ago

Father, I pray for the Spanish politicians, to look for Spain's interest and not their own, to work to unite the country and the people instead of separate them. Please help them in this time of love and joy.

Charlie, from Chester

6 years ago

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