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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Lord we pray for our leaders that you would give them wisdom to make the right decisions that will protect and support the vulnerable. We pray you would give them the strength they need and to know You.

Janet, from buckinghamshire

6 years ago

I pray for all those in Government locally and nationally that they may have you in their heart to do your will here on earth,give then strength, endurance patience and compassion in all they do for our country,Amen

CHARLOTTE, from Langport

6 years ago

Father God I pray for church leaders across Manchester this Christmas. We pray for boldness as they share the amazing good news of Jesus the best gift of all. May people receive your love and be truly blessed. Amen

Anonymous, from Manchester

6 years ago

Lord I lift up Paula Sherriff, guide and direct her in all things of concern in her constituency. Amen.

Susan, from West Yorkshire

6 years ago

Dear Lord we pray for Our prime minister that you may help and guide her as she is trying to do her best for our country. Please give her the support she needs at this very very difficult time. Amen

Carol, from Liverpool

6 years ago

Father God, we pray for our queen, government and officials that they make wise decisions that benefit the whole country and to help the people who feel left out of our community amen

Anonymous, from devon

6 years ago

You love us more than we can imagine. Be with our politicians and leaders that they may do your will in this time of uncertainty. Guide the government to do what is right and just. Amen

Anonymous, from Barnacle

6 years ago

Father, I pray for our Rector that he may be reinvigorated in his leadership.


6 years ago

I pray for Theresa May that she has the strength to continue with the debates and negotiations and make the difficult decisions she faces.


6 years ago

Father, I pray for those in authority that you will give them wisdom, patience & a heart for you & those they serve. Help to turn our nation back to you. Amen.

Anonymous, from Worcestershire

6 years ago

Pray for Theresa May and her government as they try and get the best deal for us with Brexit


6 years ago

Dear God, I pray for Theresa May that she continues to have strength in these difficult times of Brexit negotiations. Let her be guided by our Lord to do what is it best for our country. Amen

Tracey, from Devon

6 years ago

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